What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Douglas County “School Marshals” Edition

"Douglas County Sheriff David Weaver is taking the next step in school safety by putting plain clothes, armed 'school marshals' in schools in his county next school year," breitbart.com reports. 'It be no different...

Detroit SWAT Officer: Grandmother Made Me Shoot Aiyana

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=565ldZS_2pQ I've been predicting that George Zimmerman will walk in the killing of Trayvon Martin and that riots will ensue. It's all about optics. In the Zimmerman case, you have an almost white man shooting...

Self-Defense Tip: When You Hear Shots Fired, Take Cover

Thanks to the miracle of modern communications the internet's lousy with videos of shootings. Self-defense shootings, drive-by shootings, bar room brawl shootings and plenty o' police dashcam recorded shootings. In many if not most...

FBI: All Shoots are Good Shoots

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERs7VyRMETg Are the Fibbies telling fibbies? According to documents unearthed by nytimes.com, agents employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation who clear leather and let loose the dogs of war never ever shoot the wrong...

Wait, Who Are The Responsible Ones Again?

By Pascal A story at courier-journal.com (behind an annoying pay wall) details the aftermath of a recent automobile-deer interface when a LEO arrived on the scene: “I went inside to get my gun, and when I came out, my...

“Confiscation Under the Guise of Safety”

"Making our communities safer." Doing something about guns. Security theater. Same as it ever was. And likely will be. The nation's best-looking state attorney general is going all in on Cali's APPS gun grab program. In a...

Question of the Day: Why Would a Cop be Against Concealed Carry?

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1 Sgt. Betsy Brantner-Smith reckons off-duty carry is important for officers to protect themselves and their loved ones. And did you catch this bit: "Make sure you carry additional ammunition with you . . ....

Annals of Police Investigative Technique: Sarasota SWAT Edition

  “I was thinking, is this some kind of nutjob?” Nope. Just a totally tooled-up federal marshall in SWAT gear pointing a rifle and laser at Louise Goldsberry through her kitchen window. Because that's always...

Norwalk CT Cops Under the Gun for Illegal Search and Seizure

Norwalk Connecticut resident Duane Doutel had some major issues with one Doctor Staw. After a bit of back and forth, Doutel left a voicemail warning that a public confrontation "would not be pretty." The...

Apple Enables Police Militarization

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AdDLhPwpp4 "Police forces around the world have had the problem that when their officers get a bit carried away and start pepper spraying tied captives there is someone on hand filming the event on their mobile...

LA County Sheriffs Dept. Fined $3.8m for Excessive Force. And?

  "On Tuesday afternoon at the federal courthouse in downtown, Fitzgerald awarded $3.8 million to Angel Mendez , and $222,000 to his wife, Jennifer, for damages resulting from Fourth Amendment violations by two L.A. County Sheriff's...

Chief: Militarized Police Keep Us Safe From the Military

If you've been a TTAG reader for any length of time, you've read our coverage of the ever-escalating militarization of civilian police forces in these here U-nited States. Whether it's locals tooling up by...