Anatomy of an Iowa Police Shootout

37 It seems odd that the Des Moines, Iowa police shootout with Steven Vogel didn't involve the friendly neighborhood Homeland Security Metro S.T.A.R. team. Perhaps if Vogel had been involved in civil disobedience (part of S.T.A.R.'s remit)...

ATF’s Nationwide Storefront Stings Exposed

John Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge of the Journal Sentinel start their investigative report on the ATF's storefront sting program with a story that had my blood boiling but good, fueling my borderline hatred for the entirely superfluous...

OMG! Another Hunter Walking! In Wisconsin! OMG!

Remember that University of Wisconsin student who was recently tracked down by the Madison PD after they received frantic calls about a camo-clad man with a gun? Yeah, he was only a hunter returning...

What Iceland Can Teach Us About American “Gun Violence”: Nothing

Gun control advocates love to compare United States's stats to other countries. Well of course they do. Firearms-related fatalities are relatively rare in the U.S. Remove suicides and gang-related incidents from the total and...

DA Charges Unarmed Man For Shootings Committed By NYPD.

Click here for video taken by a bystander in September. It shows New York's finest circling and firing at a deranged man in the middle of Times Square...while many hundreds of other bystanders watch...

Incendiary Image(s) of the Day: Ghillie-gan’s Island

There are a few situations where you think, yeah, OK, SWAT. Terrorist incidents, sure. Bank robberies with hostage-taking standoffs, maybe. But the days when a bunch of cops with guns and few snipers could...

PA Man SWATs Neighbor, Goes To Jail. It’s About Effing Time.

SWATing is a deadly, dangerous prank. Michael Adams, shown here, is charged with reckless endangerment and several other crimes for allegedly SWATing his neighbor in September. The indictment charges that Adams called 911 anonymously...

Question of the Day: Got Trunk Gun?

Now that I'm living in Texas, I've been giving serious consideration to stashing a "trunk gun" in the CLS. A lot of gun folk recommend a pistol-caliber carbine for the job. According to Captain...

You’re Damned Right the Police are Militarized. So?

  Reader BgreeneA3 writes: I keep hearing the term "police militarization" thrown around here. To that I ask, when have the police NOT been militarized? Police, sheriff or any law enforcement type organization are in fact "para-military" ...

Random Thoughts About MRAPs and Naked Ex-Cops

When I lived over in the UK, gas cost $10 a gallon. The Land of Hope and Glory is an oil-producing nation. And yet the UK boasts the highest pump prices in Europe. That's...

Surprises, Frustrations, Lucky Breaks: Police Lessons from NJ Mall shooting

  Republished with permission from When a 20-year-old white male, dressed in black and wearing a black motorcycle helmet, stepped through the door with his finger on the trigger of an assault rifle, it turned...

OMG! IL Police Must Deal with Legal Concealed Carry! OMG!

  "Illinois, the last state to allow concealed carry, is expected to begin issuing permits in April under a law that goes into effect on the first of the year. Traffic stops already are among...