NFL: Off-Duty Cops Can’t Carry in Stadiums

According to an internal Cleveland police memo unearthed by the NFL's banning off-duty cops carrying in or around FirstEnergy Stadium. What's more, "The rule, which police said took effect Sept. 11, applies to all NFL facilities and all...

Arizona Cop Chided for Uniform at School Drop-Off Was in SWAT Regalia

You may recall that we reported on an Arizona cop who was asked to wear civvies when dropping off his daughter at school. Like other gun rights friendly media, TTAG chided the Mesa School...

Stutsman County North Dakota Gets an MRAP

"Stutsman County was created by the 1872-73 territorial legislature and named for Enos Stutsman, who was born with Phocomelia (lacking arms or legs), but who nonetheless not only homesteaded, but became a powerful politician in the...

Cleveland Suspends 63 Cops for Fatal Car Chase. For Less Than A Week

50 "The nighttime chase began last November when an officer thought he heard a gunshot from a car speeding by the police station in downtown Cleveland. A parking lot attendant thought it might have been...

MD State Troopers: They Shoot Deer Don’t They?

Maryland State Police announced additional deer hunting training for SWAT teams. JK. But not by much. "Frederick County's farmers have embraced a suggestion from state troopers that helps them reduce their deer population, but...

CA Police Shoot 13-Year-Old Holding Airsoft AK. And?

  Regular readers know I adopt a guilty until proven innocent approach to police misconduct. In case you didn't catch it, I am deeply suspicious of the boys in blue. But when the TTAG telegraph...

Dallas Cops Shoot Stationary Schizophrenic

83 The common criteria for a legal defensive gun use: the shooter is facing an imminent, credible threat of death or grievous bodily harm and imminence is imminent. That last bit is often ignored but...

Housekeeping: Should TTAG Republish CATO Institute’s National Police Misconduct Recap?

  TTAG's been publishing material critical of police on a regular basis---when they deserve it. Which, it must be said, they often do. To substantiate that claim, Ralph has been directing readers to the CATO...

Distraught VA Man SWATed to Death In His Own Home

93 In an ideal world, police de-escalate situations. They use their authority and firepower to prevent and stop violence, not create it. Which is why the militarization of America's police is so dangerous to life...

PA Man SWATs Neighbor, Goes To Jail. It’s About Effing Time.

SWATing is a deadly, dangerous prank. Michael Adams, shown here, is charged with reckless endangerment and several other crimes for allegedly SWATing his neighbor in September. The indictment charges that Adams called 911 anonymously...

NM State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full O’ Kids

177 "Two New Mexico state police officers are under investigation and a mother and her 14-year-old son are facing charges after a routine traffic stop turned to chaos when the teen physically confronted one officer...

Surprises, Frustrations, Lucky Breaks: Police Lessons from NJ Mall shooting

  Republished with permission from When a 20-year-old white male, dressed in black and wearing a black motorcycle helmet, stepped through the door with his finger on the trigger of an assault rifle, it turned...