Random Thoughts About MRAPs and Naked Ex-Cops

When I lived over in the UK, gas cost $10 a gallon. The Land of Hope and Glory is an oil-producing nation. And yet the UK boasts the highest pump prices in Europe. That's...

You’re Damned Right the Police are Militarized. So?

  Reader BgreeneA3 writes: I keep hearing the term "police militarization" thrown around here. To that I ask, when have the police NOT been militarized? Police, sheriff or any law enforcement type organization are in fact "para-military" ...

DA Charges Unarmed Man For Shootings Committed By NYPD.

Click here for video taken by a bystander in September. It shows New York's finest circling and firing at a deranged man in the middle of Times Square...while many hundreds of other bystanders watch...

What Iceland Can Teach Us About American “Gun Violence”: Nothing

Gun control advocates love to compare United States's stats to other countries. Well of course they do. Firearms-related fatalities are relatively rare in the U.S. Remove suicides and gang-related incidents from the total and...

Anatomy of an Iowa Police Shootout

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1 It seems odd that the Des Moines, Iowa police shootout with Steven Vogel didn't involve the friendly neighborhood Homeland Security Metro S.T.A.R. team. Perhaps if Vogel had been involved in civil disobedience (part of S.T.A.R.'s remit)...

$23,500 Settlement For CO Open Carry Wrongful Arrest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5TzoDTH_zM James Sorensen open carried at a Gay Pride event in Colorado Springs in July of 2012, and this video shows him being arrested for doing absolutely nothing illegal. Open carry has been legal in...

Incendiary Image of the Day: ATF’s Message to Licensed Gun Dealer Bob Adams

After DHS and ATF agents raided his house, gun dealer Bob Adams found this tableau waiting for him in front of his gun safe. "The middle finger was a novelty item I bought in...

Unarmed Ohio Woman Killed by Cop’s Negligent Discharge

Earlier today, we told you about the re-launch of Evolve which wants to be the sine qua non of firearms safety. And who isn't for firearms safety, right? Though we don't know what's on...

Gun Hero of the Day: Arapahoe County Sheriff Deputy James Englert

NRA-ILA Presser: Charlotte, NC --(Ammoland.com)- Back in March, we reported on Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signing into law the most sweeping anti-gun legislation in the history of the Centennial State, despite overwhelming opposition to the legislation. The new...

CT Gun Owners Force Investigation into IGOTD Officer Juan Santiago

If you're new to these parts IGOTD stands for Irresponsible Gun Owner of The Day. TTAG's IGOTD series provides examples of careless gun handling to remind readers to follow basic gun safety rules. Bridgeport...

Outgunned My Ass

"The number of law-enforcement officers killed by firearms in 2013 fell to levels not seen since the days of the Wild West, according to a report released Monday," seattlepi.com reports. "The annual report from the...

BREAKING: BART Officer Shoots and Kills BART Officer During SWAT Raid on Empty Apartment

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIX4AWUyCJQ "A BART police officer was fatally shot by a department colleague Tuesday afternoon during a probation check in the East Bay, according to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office," kron4.com reports. "BART officer Tom Smith and...