Quote of the Day: I’ll Take Door Number Two, Monte

"Police did not make clear whether the officer’s weapon malfunctioned or whether the officer inadvertently pulled the trigger." - Marcus K. Garner and Ben Gray in Police: DeKalb officer shot teen skipping school

State Trooper Draws Gun On Undercover Cops [NSFW]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vx4vGNytSc A New Jersey State Trooper pulls a gun on undercover cops. The party gets started at 6:38. The tape shows the cops carpet bombing each other with f-bombs. "You don't know what goes on...

Annals of Police Militarization: Something In The Air

By Hasdrubal Well, here's another example of the 'militarization of police.'  As usual, it sounds pretty bad. Or at least, it's made to sound bad. Armed officers swarming out of the woods to perform compliance...

Lodi, CA SWAT ND Down to “Holster Issues.” Or Not.

"A Lodi Police SWAT officer had a Glock 35 with a flashlight in his thigh holster at a children’s reading event when a boy managed to pull the trigger and shoot the officer,"...

From the Annals of Police Militarization: How Many NDs Don’t We Hear About?

"A former member of the Pharr police SWAT team has sued a colleague and the city after suffering a gunshot wound to the leg two years ago during a training exercise the victim...

DS ARMS SA58 PARA: Man the Barricades! Or Not.

"The history of the FN FAL is replete with stories of hard men who chose the 7.62x51mm NATO-chambered rifle, officially Fabrique Nationale’s Fusil Automatique Léger or 'Light Automatic Rifle,' when lives depended on their...

Irresponsible Gun Owners of the Day: Deputies Dejay Barber and Matthew Rincon

  "An apparent booze-fueled dispute over loud music between two groups at a Chino campground over the weekend escalated to the point where men from both sides drew guns and opened fire." Yes, yes, a...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: How’s That Whole School Resource Officer...

"A gun belonging to a York County Sheriff’s Office deputy accidentally discharged Monday morning outside York High School," charlotteobserver.com reports. "The gun discharged into a sidewalk at the school, on S.C. 5 a short distance...

Quote of the Day: Conflict of Interests Edition

“You don’t get a lot of high-end guns in the seizure world.” - Jason Knowles in Under New Law, the Police Can Act as Gun Dealers

Chicago Police’s Department of Pre-Crime Tackles “Gun Violence”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2bmImPNKbM "Robert McDaniel was puzzled when the Chicago police commander dropped by his West Side home unannounced last month," The Chicago Tribune reports. "The visit was cordial, but Barbara West's message was clear: Don't commit...

Chief: Militarized Police Keep Us Safe From the Military

If you've been a TTAG reader for any length of time, you've read our coverage of the ever-escalating militarization of civilian police forces in these here U-nited States. Whether it's locals tooling up by...

LA County Sheriffs Dept. Fined $3.8m for Excessive Force. And?

  "On Tuesday afternoon at the federal courthouse in downtown, Fitzgerald awarded $3.8 million to Angel Mendez , and $222,000 to his wife, Jennifer, for damages resulting from Fourth Amendment violations by two L.A. County Sheriff's...