Arlington, TX Cop Saves Dog’s Life

You have to hand it to officer Gary Carter. He stepped up and adopted Jeffery (now Chance) the pit bull before he could be euthanized in a local shelter. Why is this such a...

Elgin, IL Cops Go All Tactical-Like for Escaped Felon

TTAG reader MS writes: More of a local story, but a violent felon escaped from the Elgin Mental Health facility. One guy, in handcuffs. Cue the lockdowns. People are freaking out on social media....

Quote of the Day: Save Rover! Edition

"If the U.S. were overrun by dangerous dogs, you would think we’d hear a lot more about a biting epidemic. Yet postal workers, meter readers and pizza deliverymen—among others—all manage to do their jobs...

Quote of the Day: A Cop Shot My Son Edition

"Yes, there is good reason to think that many of these unjustifiable homicides by police across the country are racially motivated. But there is a lot more than that going on here. Our country...

BREAKING: Missouri Gov. Nixon Sends National Guard to Ferguson

"Missouri Governor Jay Nixon ordered the state National Guard to restore peace after a third straight night of violence in the St. Louis suburb rocked by protests over the killing of an unarmed black...

Rifle-Pointing Ferguson Cop Removed From Front Line [Video NSFW]

127 Sgt. Patrick Hayes wrote an article for TTAG criticizing the police response to demonstrators in Fergsuon, Missouri in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. The above video was uploaded to YouTube last night. In...

Quote of the Day: I Blame the Second Amendment for Police Militarization Edition

"None of this means that police officers who use deadly force should get a pass. But it’s a reminder that chalking up such shootings simply to overly aggressive police doesn’t tell the whole story....

Obama: Review Local, State Police Militarization. What About the Feds?

by Sgt. Patrick Hayes After the police response to public unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, President Obama announced a White House review of the 1033 military surplus program for local and state law enforcement agencies. That's the federal program...

Random Thoughts About Police Militarization

by Raul Ybarra, republished w/permission from his blog Militarization of the police has become a hot topic in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. Something one which I’ve held off giving an opinion....

Laredo, TX Cops Fire 60 Shots at Armed Perp, Fist-Bump After Homicide

206 "Six police officers unleashed a barrage of some 60 bullets after a Texas man refused repeated orders to drop a weapon, later found to be a BB gun. Jose Walter Garza, 30, never spoke when...

Quote of the Day: Over the Top Edition

"Police have a tough enough job dealing with the bad guys. Now they have the additional challenge of being mindful of the message they're sending as they try to balance their own safety with...

When Crazy Speaks Violence

The other evening, the idiot box aired a program about Maksim Gelman, also known as Mad Maks or the Butcher of Brighton Beach. Gelman, besides being nuttier than a squirrel turd, gained fame by...