Brit Bobby Bangs Babe…Britches, Belt and Beretta By His Boots

Here's a thought experiment: you're a UPS delivery dude. One day, you get an itch, veer off your appointed route and make a little pitstop to visit the female half of a couple to...

Apple Enables Police Militarization

100 "Police forces around the world have had the problem that when their officers get a bit carried away and start pepper spraying tied captives there is someone on hand filming the event on their mobile...

SF Police Chief Calls for National Gun Registry

  "San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr called for a nationwide gun registry at an American Bar Association meeting in the city Friday," reports. "'There needs to be some form of national gun registry...

Incendiary Image of the Day: People in Glass Houses . . .

  As Professor Harold Hill's detractors pointed out, you gotta know the territory. In this case it's the West Bank, not a happy place for Israeli soldiers. The IDF face constant attack from Arab teens bent...

WI SWAT Team: They Shoot Deer Don’t They?

[youtube] I've finally finished reading The Rise of the Warrior Cop and Militarization of America's Police Forces. And . . . I lost it in the move to the new house. You know the scene at the end of Raiders...

Quote of the Day: Placing Blame Edition

"If fewer civilians carried weapons, police might be less trigger happy." - David Frum via

Self-Defense Tip: Three Ways Not to Get Shot by the Police

  "Roy Middleton, a 60-year-old resident of Warrington, Fla. . . claims that he was searching the car for a loose cigarette when he heard someone say, 'Get your hands where I can see them,'" reports....

‘Shroom-Tripping Man Grabs Cop’s Gun, Fires Shot

56 We've all heard tales of superhuman strength exhibited by those those soaring on PCP, but psilocybin? Huh. At least Jared Steven Leone knew he needed some help, right? Which is why he strolled into...

Sioux Falls PD Falls Out of Love with .40 Cal

"Over the next year, the police department in South Dakota's largest city will be going from .40-caliber Glocks to 9 mm pistols," reports. " Chief Doug Barthel said the pistols have better accuracy and...

Norwalk CT Cops Under the Gun for Illegal Search and Seizure

Norwalk Connecticut resident Duane Doutel had some major issues with one Doctor Staw. After a bit of back and forth, Doutel left a voicemail warning that a public confrontation "would not be pretty." The...

Annals of Police Investigative Technique: Sarasota SWAT Edition

  “I was thinking, is this some kind of nutjob?” Nope. Just a totally tooled-up federal marshall in SWAT gear pointing a rifle and laser at Louise Goldsberry through her kitchen window. Because that's always...

NYPD Discovers Sight-Shooting Not Used in CQB

By John V. The 2011 NYPD Annual Firearms Discharge Report drives a stake through the sacred mantra that self defense handgun shots must be aimed using the sights. The NYPD gauges officers' success in close quarters...