The Curious Case of the Handcuffed Barber

The 11th circuit court has provided an epic slap-down on, exuberance, ostensibly in order to enforce state  regulations via warrantless SWAT raids. From Although ostensibly justified as a regulatory inspection, the raid on...

Michael Brown Memorial Burns. Ferguson Next?

62 When Ferguson, MO police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, the town erupted into violence. Law enforcement's response to protesters and looters triggered a debate about police tactics and militarization. Race hustlers moved in. News...

Quote of the Day: Something Tells Me They’ll Get Over It Edition

"No one knows how many people have been shot since officers began carrying guns four months ago because of government secrecy." - Newly armed police in China say they fear their guns as much as...

CNN Takes Stock of Feds’ Police Militarization

Remember the White House announcement of a post-Ferguson investigation into police militarization? It was so important TTAG posted it as a breaking story. I guess it done broke. We're not hearing a peep from the...

Tallahassee Cop TASEs Woman Walking Away [Video NSFW]

77 "Tallahassee officers were responding to recent complaints from citizens about drug deals in the neighborhood located just a few blocks west of the governor's mansion," the AP reports. "Viola Young approached one of the...

Sgt. Patrick Hayes: When Armed Law Enforcement Crosses the Line, We All Lose

102 Sgt. Patrick Hayes writes RF recently sent me a link to an article entitled Is resistance futile? The Cost of Challenging the American Police State. The piece was written by attorney and author of (A Government...

New York Police Shoot Cop Car Invader Who Isn’t Michael Brown

"Cops shot a 25-year-old man after he jumped in the backseat of their unmarked squad car and grabbed a sergeant's pistol in Brooklyn early Sunday," reports. "Authorities say the suspect hopped in the...

ASPCA Position on Police Shooting Dogs

The ASPCA believes that most instances of police shootings of dogs are avoidable. The Force Continuum concept has been helpful in reducing unnecessary injuries to the public and professionals in encounters with potentially...

SURPRISE! FL Active Shooter Drill Angers Parents

"A school lockdown drill in Winter Haven, Florida, angered parents whose children apparently texted in alarm, with one noting that a police officer with an assault rifle came into a classroom," reports. "Initially,...

Quote of the Day: Police Killings of Civilians on the Rise. Or Not.

61 "According to the FBI, police have reached a two-decade high in fatally shooting suspects. Law enforcement officers killed 461 people in 2013. It’s the third year in a row that fatal shootings by police...

Reader: Anti-Gunners to Blame for Cleveland Boy’s Death

Reader H. writes: The anti-gun crowd – Bloomberg, Obama, Feinstein, the Brady bunch, Watts and the rest, with the help of the liberal legacy media - should step up to the plate and take ownership...

Colorado Cops Arrest Man for Brandishing a Banana

As a matter of fact, that was a banana in Nathan Rolf Channing's pants and he was really happy to see two of Mesa County's finest. While pulling anything out of your clothing and pointing...