Self-Defense Tip: When You Hear Shots Fired, Take Cover

Thanks to the miracle of modern communications the internet's lousy with videos of shootings. Self-defense shootings, drive-by shootings, bar room brawl shootings and plenty o' police dashcam recorded shootings. In many if not most...

Detroit SWAT Officer: Grandmother Made Me Shoot Aiyana

77 I've been predicting that George Zimmerman will walk in the killing of Trayvon Martin and that riots will ensue. It's all about optics. In the Zimmerman case, you have an almost white man shooting...

Self Defense Tip: Be Careful Where You Read TTAG

By Accur81 Ever get a case of the Mondays? This last Monday afternoon, I was patrolling the highways and freeways of beautiful southern California. It was near the end of my shift, and I was...

Massachusetts Police Carve-Out on Gun Control

  Massachusetts' post-Newtown gun control legislation---An Act To Strengthen and Enhance Firearms Laws in the Commonwealth---is old news. Governor Duvall Patrick filed the legislation back in January. Think of it as political cover. But don't...

Active Shooter School Drill Highlights Lack of Armed Response

Is there any good reason why teachers, administrators and school staff shouldn't be allowed to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms within school grounds? Is there any...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Douglas County “School Marshals” Edition

"Douglas County Sheriff David Weaver is taking the next step in school safety by putting plain clothes, armed 'school marshals' in schools in his county next school year," reports. 'It be no different...

Question of the Day: Do The Cops Know You’re A Gun Owner?

"The other day I was listening to Kittitas County Dispatch send a Deputy to a reported domestic violence call," a TTAG reader writes. "As part of the call the Deputy was told that...

Quote of the Day: We Don’t Need No Steenkin’ Warrant Edition

"I can understand seizing a gun if it's on the person, but going into the house and taking all the guns is against the law. Now they're asking him for a court order and...

It Should Have Been a DGU: Budgetary Response Edition

"An unidentified woman called 911 during a weekend in August 2012 while Michael Bellah was breaking into her place. Her call was forwarded to Oregon State Police because of lay-offs at the Josephine County...

NJ Cops Take 10 Rounds to Shoot Two Dogs [NSFW]

88 Our gun-averse friends at have all the details of the gruesome attack above. A TTAG reader emails: "Just a thought…but if the 'trained' police had to shoot these dogs a total of 10...

Quote of the Day: One Toke Over the Line Edition

"To hear Mayor Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly explain it, stop-and-frisk is a messy but invaluable tool used to keep weapons off the street. But an analysis of stops in 2012 confirms that the tactic...

New York Set to Give Retired Cops SAFE Act Carve-Out

Pro-gun control pols are hypocrites. They're perfectly happy to pass laws that make it difficult if not impossible for law-abiding Americans to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear...