Iowa House, Senate Wrangle Over Gun Bill

As we reported last month, the GOP-controlled Iowa House had passed an omnibus firearms bill that would have done everything from legalizing silencers, created data privacy protections for firearms owners, and streamlined permitting and...

Wait, Who’s David and Who’s Goliath in this Story?

It seems a definitional change has taken place somewhere recently. Apparently scofflaw local governments are now the "little guys" and law-abiding citizens who just want their local governments to obey state laws are the...

Welfare for Gun Owners: Turn In Your “Assault Rifle” for a Tax Break!

"Gun owners would receive tax breaks for voluntarily turning in high-powered assault rifles under new legislation proposed Monday. The Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Education of our (SAFER) Streets Act expected to be reintroduced next week by...

Is Australia Preparing for Yet Another Gun Grab?

Reader John H. writes: The Australian government is once again planning more draconian gun laws and backdoor gun control against Australians. The Senate Inquiry entitled "The ability of Australian law enforcement authorities to eliminate gun-related violence in...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Running for President. Her Views on Guns

If it was a surprise to you that Hillary Clinton was about to launch her presidential campaign, then I'd like to welcome you back from your year-long Australian outback walkabout. Hillary has been the...

Quote of the Day: Did He Just Say What the Antis Are Going to...

"And when finished, he intends to go out with a coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Yeah … I have to tell ya, eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough.” - NRA...

Rand Paul a NRA Convention No-Show

Although the big political story this weekend was the (utterly unsurprising) announcement by Hillary Clinton that she is running for president in 2016, there was something else that may have slipped under the radar....

Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Gun Quotes

Nick already did a stellar job highlighting Hillary Clinton's anti-gun stance. gives pro-gun rights voters more reasons not to support her candidacy - as if you needed them. With the prospect of a Jeb Bush...

Michael Bloomberg: Jeb Bush is the Best GOP Candidate

Last week in Nashville, Jeb Bush dutifully appeared before the NRA faithful, sticking up for Florida's stand your ground law (which he signed) and dinging President Obama for his resolute anti-2A stance. So...brownie points, no?...

Canadian Supreme Court Quashes Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Gun Crimes

This week, in the matter of Regina v. Nur, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional a statute that required mandatory minimum sentences for firearms possession crimes. The law, Section 95 of the Canadian Criminal...

Bill Would Remove Race/Ethnicity Question From 4473 Form

Two representatives have submitted a bill in Congress that would ban the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives from collecting data related to a firearm purchaser's race and ethnicity. The Freedom from Intrusive Regulatory...

Head of Gun Control Org Kicks Single Mom to the Curb

The Philadelphia Inquirer will never be mistaken for a pro-gun publication, but even their editorial board found the travails of Shaneen Allen -- a single mother of two who ran afoul of New Jersey's Kafkaesque...