Hearing Protection Act’s Not A Done Deal: SilencerCo CEO Josh Waldron

Josh Waldron (above) is the CEO of SilencerCo. As you'd expect, Mr. Waldron was instrumental in getting the Hearing Protection Act (HPA) introduced into Congress. Speaking with TTAG, the founder of the American Suppressor Association says the...

New Alabama Senator Luther Strange is Pro-Second Amendment

On February 9th, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange was sworn in as a replacement for Senator Sessions., who's joined the Trump administration as Attorney General of the United States. From al.com: "This is truly a...

Alabama Considers Constitutional Carry

State Senator Gerald Allen is pushing to restore "permitless" or Constitutional carry in Alabama. Senator Allen is leading the charge. From al.com: Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, has pre-filed a bill to end a requirement that he...

South Dakota Bill to Allow Capitol Carry Passes House

The South Dakota House has passed a bill to allow people who have a South Dakota enhanced concealed carry permit to carry in the Capitol building. Here's the actual wording of HB 1156 : (4)    The...

Constitutional Carry Bill in Kentucky Pulled from Consideration

SB 7 is the Constitutional/Permitless carry bill in the Kentucky legislature for 2017.  It was moved to the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection committee.  The NRA-ILA is reporting that the bill has...

BREAKING: Constitutional Carry Bill Passes New Hampshire Legislature

Despite Michael Bloomberg's best efforts, we're about to add New Hampshire to the roster of constitutional carry states. From nh1.com: A bill that would make it easier for Granite Staters to carry a concealed weapon on...

Obama’s Legacy: Big City Murder Rates Showing Fastest Increases Since the 1970s

Reader John D. writes: The influential lefty propagandists at The Economist are attempting, yet again, to make the case for more American gun control. But in the process, they're mostly indicting President Obama's political agitation...

BATF Memo Seeks To Preserve Gun Control

On Monday Nick Leghorn wrote about an internal memo that highlights some proposed pro-gun moves by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The policy change proposals in the internal "white paper" stand as good...

BREAKING: Leaked ATF Memo Reveals Planned Pro-Gun Moves

It should be no surprise to anyone that the Trump administration's ATF would be a kinder gentler regulator to the firearms industry. The NRA-backed pro-gun president made eliminating wasteful, useless regulations one of his...

Review: 1934 National Firearms Act, Original Bill and Hearings

This ebook is the entirety of the National Firearms Act and Hearings, in a digitized 166 pages, from the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, starting on Monday, 16 April, 1934. It's available from...

Constitutional Carry Introduced in Georgia

Six Georgia legislators have introduced a bill, HB 156, titled the "Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2017." The bill would do away with prohibitions of carrying arms in parks, historic sites, or recreational areas, and changes...

SAF Suit Challenging Illinois Foster Parent Gun Rules Can Proceed

The Second Amendment Foundation has scored another procedural win in Illinois. Under the state's Department of Children and Family Services rules, Prospective Illinois foster parents must either certify that there are no firearms in their...