After Successful Defensive Gun Use, Dallas Marine Embraces Texas Gun Culture

I recently wrote about how a former Marine fought off an attempted home invasion. Donnie managed to fire three shots. No one was hit. I ran into Donnie again at a local gas station. A...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Choice is Simple, Really

"...I’ll take a coin toss over an absolutely certain catastrophe. Or in other words, I’ll play a round of Russian roulette before handing a loaded gun to someone who has openly announced they’re going to...

Forbes: Hillary Clinton’s Gun Control Jihad Will Hurt Her in the General Election

64 With last night's electoral victories, Hillary Clinton remains the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee. Barring cataclysmic legal troubles relating to her illegal emails or damning information about illegal activities recovered from deleted files -- and maybe even then...

National Shooting Sports Foundation: 72 Percent of Americans Support the Protection of Lawful Commerce...

National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) Press Release Seven of 10 American voters do not support allowing crime victims to sue firearm manufacturers and retailers when firearms they made or sold lawfully after background checks...

Chelsea Clinton: My Mom Wants A Pro-Gun Control Supreme Court Justice

51 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea isn't a practiced politician. So this clip (not magazine) ends with some major league Sandy Hook-related anti-gun bloody shirt waving, rather than starting with it. But the...

Hillary Clinton Says “Amen” To Banning Guns in Cars

“We need you to be able to use your executive powers to legislate that you can’t carry guns in cars, you can’t bring cars in buildings that are not assured to carry them."...

English Gun Law: a Colonial Import

Gun control -- restrictions on gun ownership -- was not a common or popular phenomena in Europe until after the First World War. One of the most influential gun control laws was instituted in England and...

Hillary Clinton: George Zimmerman Shouldn’t Have Had a Gun

David Codrea writes “The man who killed Trayvon Martin should have never had a gun in the first place,” Hillary Clinton declared to the crowd at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. The statement was pure, opportunistic...

Arizona Gov. Ducey Signs Prohibition on Fees, Taxes or Encumbrances on Private Firearms Sales

Last month, Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona signed HB 224, protecting residents' right to transfer firearms in private transactions without fee, tax or encumbrance. The law went into effect on 31 March. From the...

University of South Alabama Campus Cops Write-Up Student for Open Holster Protest (“Engaging in...

74 Universities are developing a reputation for being mini fascist states, only allowing speech that the university administration agrees with, or is considered "politically correct." The University of South Alabama has lived up to the...

Hillary Clinton Endorses a 25% Tax on Firearms

41 I grew up in different times; a time when politicians could escape their past. Pre-YouTube, a pol could flip-flop on issues without irrefutable video evidence of previous positions. "That's not what I said, exactly," they used to...

Hillary Clinton: What About the Greed and Recklessness of the Gun Manufacturers in America?

Tonight's Democratic debate was punctuated by a great deal of baying for blood cheering. In the segment on gun control, Hillary Clinton ignored a question about her ridiculous assertion that Vermont fuels New York's "gun violence" with...