Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Who Administers the Litmus Test?

84 "I think we should be open to a debate and a discussion over limiting guns to mentally ill. ...But I gotta tell you that I haven't seen it. I haven't seen any argument that...

Oklahoma Senate Nears Vote on RKBA Reform Bill

Oklahoma Second Amendment supporters, particularly OK2A, have been pushing for a reform of the state constitution's weak protection of the right to keep and bear arms. A bill currently under consideration has strong support,...

BREAKING: Ted Cruz Trumps Trump in Wisconsin

125 We've hosted many a debate on this site about the authenticity of Donald Trump's support for gun rights. Regardless of his previous support for a waiting period for gun purchases and the Clinton-era "assault...

Gov. Terry Branstad Signs Bill Legalizing Suppressors in Iowa

“'It’s going to help save the hearing of Iowans that are involved in firearms and shooting, and it’s going to create jobs in our state,' said Brownells CEO Pete Brownell." That was Pete's take...

Texas Republican Convention Allows Open and Concealed Carry

"While gun rights advocates wrangled with the Secret Service over firearms at the Republican National Convention," reports, "the Texas GOP confirmed it will allow both open and concealed carry at its convention in Dallas...

Author of Guns at GOP Convention Petition a Dem Lefty…So?

"The author of the online petition calling for an armed Republican convention turns out to be an Internet troll. He was unmasked Monday by CBS News. Jim, as he called himself, is a self-described liberal...

Toomey vs. Fetterman: A Tale of Two PA Gun Control Ads

26 Pennsylvania's Republican Senator Pat Toomey is up for re-election this year, and the man from Lehigh Valley has been coming under attack by his putative opponents in Democrat Party, Braddock Mayor John Fetterman, for...

Anti-Clinton Gun Tweet Breaks the Internet: Gun Tweet of the Day

I'm not a huge fan of the expression "broke the Internet." For one thing, if the Internet breaks, I'm screwed. For another, really? Miranda's anti-Clinton Tweet certainly generated millions of views; 100k on TTAG's...

Is Knife Rights Progress a Good Sign for Guns in New York?

30 Our sister sight, The Truth About Knives, has chronicled the ludicrously restrictive knife laws that resulted in 60,000 prosecutions in New York City over the last year for carrying simple pocket folders. But a...

BREAKING: President Obama Nominates Merrick Garland to Supreme Court

In a move calculated to make it difficult for GOP members of the Senate to keep their promise to block any election year Supreme Court nominee, President Obama has today nominated Merrick Garland, chief judge...

Cleveland Poll Worker Talks Politics, Draws a Gun

In this contentious primary season, conversations of the political sort can sometimes get heated. That seems to have been the case at a Cleveland poling place this morning. A volunteer manning the voting operation...

Bill Clinton Thanked John Kasich for His Vote for the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban

Tomorrow's home state primary is do-or-die for Governor John Kasich. He's let it be known that if he doesn't beat Donald Trump, his presidential odyssey will be over. While probably the least controversial and most centrist...