Eliminate the Carry Ban at U.S. Post Offices

Donald Trump is the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination. Despite previous support for an assault weapons ban, Mr. Trump has adopted an irreproachable Second Amendment platform. (His son and surrogate, Donald Trump Jr., is pro-2A through-and-through.) Trump's only...

Johannes: I Would Choose Trump over Hillary

I thought RF's article about Donald Trump raised a good many points of concern about The Donald. I had expressed some of my own fears about a putative Trump Administration earlier. I worry that...

11th Circuit to Hear Challenge to Repudiation of the Medicalization of Gun Control

The Eleventh Circuit court of appeals, in an unusual decision, has decided to hear the case of Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger, et al. v. Governor State of Florida, et al. in the matter of the...

How Do Gun Owners Solve a Problem Like The Donald?

The following represents my Donald Trump 'nightmare scenario' for gun owners. This will involve talking about my own observations and feelings rather than specific, scientifically-verifiable facts. Don't take any of this to the bank. If the...

Random Thoughts About Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Gun Control

In his book The America We Deserve, Donald Trump (or his writer David Shipley) wrote “I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting...

Gabby Giffords: Vote for Hillary Clinton!

https://youtu.be/mAGr0UrRTl4 There are some things I can't write. So I'm not going to write them. OK?

NRA Chris Cox: America is With Us, Not Hillary

Washington, DC – -(Ammoland.com)- You may recall that during a presidential debate in October, Hillary Clinton named the NRA as among her favorite enemies. Unable to leave well enough alone, she went on to declare, “It’s time the...

Idaho Moves Towards Constitutional Carry. Again.

A large crowd of 700 people demonstrated for Constitutional carry at the Idaho Capitol on  February 20th. Constitutional carry has been introduced for this session of the Idaho legislature.  The current version of the bills...

Georgia Moves Towards Campus Carry

Yesterday the Georgia House passed a campus safety act that restores some Second Amendment rights to people who have a Georgia Weapons Carry License (WCL). In 2014, a gun law reform bill passed that...

ACLU Sues Gun Range for Ejecting Muslim Shooter

"A U.S. Army reservist from Tulsa (was) asked to leave a gun range in eastern Oklahoma," abcnews.go.com reports, "after identifying himself as a Muslim sued the owners Wednesday, the latest in a series of...

Obama Endorses Scalia’s Judicial Philosophy…Where It’s Convenient

Justice Antonin Scalia may have gone on to his reward, but his judicial philosophy has only become more powerful here in the mortal realm. Don't believe me? President Obama -- of all people -- appears...

Gun Control Advocates Rip Jeb Bush a New One Over FN Tweet Pic

https://youtu.be/9Po413AXjHU Jeb Bush was "once considered a shoe-in for the Republican presidential nomination"? Who said that? I would agree with the snarky lib's assertion that Jeb Bush's "here's my FN, there are many like it"...