TTAG Reader: Why I Am Running For US Congress in Texas’s 32nd District

By Paul Brown On December 14, 2008 President George W. Bush signed the US-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). At the time I was a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps, and I was...

Benbrook TX Police Chief Posts 30.06 and 30.07 ‘Gun Free Zone’ Signs

In January 2016, on the first day of the partial restoration of open carry rights in Texas, I stood in front of the Benbrook Police Station, looking at the recently placed 30.06 and 30.07...

Deadline for Fast & Furious Docs Passes. Where’s the Info?

"On Jan. 19, federal Judge Amy Berman—an Obama appointee—ordered the administration to produce the documents demanded," the NRA's reminds us. "The deadline Berman set for the administration to comply was this past Tuesday,...

Gun Hero of the Day: Virginia Republican Del. Todd Gilbert

"Virginia's Republican-led House of Delegates has approved a bill that would allow people who are protected by a protective order to carry a concealed handgun without a permit," reports. "The House approved Republican...

U.S. Air Force Tools-Up for Terrorists

"In August 2006 an Islamic extremist group targeted Dover AFB for an attack that was never carried out," reports. "In May 2014, the base was put on lockdown following reports, later shown to...

Texas Bookstore Offers Discount for Open Carriers

Austin's Brave New Books -- "a bunch of curious people on a quest for the truth" -- welcomes Texas's freshly-minted open carriers. The store is thought to be the only book store in Austin that hasn't put...

Mother Jones Reveals State Subsidies to Gun Companies

Mother Jones' article How America's Gun Manufacturers Are Quietly Getting Richer Off Taxpayers bemoans the state subsidies (grants, tax abatements, job creation incentives, etc.) handed out to gun companies relocating their factories to gun-friendly, right-to-work states. Well...

Bloomberg’s Propagandists’ Wishful Thinking on Clinton’s Iowa Victory

45 Discounting the possibility of fraud, former First Lady Hillary Clinton eked-out a victory over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucuses. This despite her attempt to use Senator Sanders' vote for The Protection...

CT Senators to Connecticut Food Association: Ban Open Carry!

Wayne Pesce President Connecticut Food Association 433 South Main Street, Suite 309 West Hartford, CT 06100 Dear Mr. Pesce: We write today to urge you to adopt a policy that would prohibit the open carry of firearms in your member...

VA GOP Trades Reciprocity Restoration for Disarming Domestic Abusers, Gun Show Background Checks

By James England via Governor Terry McAuliffe has struck a deal with Virginia Republicans. In exchange for calling off his dog, Attorney General Attorney General Mark R. Herring, who unilaterally ended a majority of the...

Wait, You Mean We Can’t Buy Fully Automatic Weapons Without a Background Check?

84 Screw the ACORN exposés and the Planned Parenthood sting operations, someone's finally doing some important investigative journalism. Check out Steven Crowder as he goes undercover to blow the lid off of America's shamefully lax gun...

Air Force: Armed Civilians Stop Mass Shootings

Fifty years ago, the idea that armed people could not stop a mass killing would have been laughable. Throughout the past, as it is now, armed defense is the best protection against being slaughtered or enslaved en masse. If you...