Michigan Businesses: Firearms Welcome!

We hear a lot of stories in the legacy media about large corporations either formally banning firearms from their properties (or for moral cowards like the leadership of Starbucks or Target, "asking" that law-abiding...

The Media Has More Blood on its Hands with the Canadian School Shooting

Details about the school shooting in Canada are still in short supply. We know that police have a 17-year-old male in custody, facing four counts of murder and seventeen counts of attempted murder. It...

Speculation About a Bloomberg Bid for President Intensifies

Run Mikey, run! That was our Armed Intelligentsia's take on rumors that anti-ballistic billionaire bully boy Michael Bloomberg was considering running for the presidency of the United States. They reckon if Bloomberg runs as an...

Donald Trump, Aggrieved Gun Owner or Closet Elitist?

“I do have a gun, and I have a concealed-carry permit, actually, which is a very hard thing to get in New York. And, of course, the problem is once you get to the...

Quote of the Day: Not Everyone’s On Board With Trump Edition

"Trump is still a farce and frankly, he is the kind of potential president I own guns for." - TTAG commentator Anthony O. under our post Trump Tower Las Vegas Is Not a “Gun-Free Zone”

Trump Tower Las Vegas Is Not a “Gun-Free Zone”

Donald Trump talks a good game on gun rights - now. But naysayers have pointed out that some of The Donald's properties are gun free zones. As the Trump Tower is a five-minute walk from...

OMG! Ted Cruz Didn’t Buy A Gun for Home Defense Until He Was 42!...

https://youtu.be/SKaqrE1LzVM "In an autobiography published last year, Cruz recounts how after he moved to Austin in 2003 to serve as the state's appointed solicitor general, he became concerned about leaving his wife Heidi at...

Chris Christie: Wrongly On the Terrorist Watch List? Get Yourself Off. And Good Luck...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs5N68-V3xs We've said it before, and we'll say it again -- Chris Christie is no friend to gun owners. Or civil liberties in general, apparently. New Jersey's XL executive (who's also a former federal prosecutor)...

Pro-Gun Control Dems Set to Screw the Pooch in the General Election?

For the 2016 elections, the Democrat presidential candidates -- Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley -- are all pro-gun control. Not only do they support President Obama's recent executive orders, they want to go well...

Democrats Demand Gun Control “Deserves a Vote,” Forgetting They Already Had One

In an email blast late Friday night, the Democrat party tried once again to rally its base around the message that "all we want is a vote on gun control." The Democrats successfully used this...

Will Someone Please Wake Up Joe Biden and Explain Why There Are No ‘Smart...

Gun owners really should count themselves as very fortunate. Despite having endured seven years of the most 2A-hostile administration in American history, the strategic geniuses who thought they had a sure victory after the...

President [Not Shown] Tooling-Up For State of the Union Gun Control Harangue

"President Barack Obama plans to honor victims of gun violence in his State of the Union address next week by leaving a seat empty in the first lady's viewing box," foxnews.com reports. At...