NJ Gov. Chris Christie: An Anti-Gunner is Just a Lawyer Who Hasn’t Served Seven...

https://youtu.be/oetnIbTrR3g?t=3m1s Despite the fact that gun control is way down the list of voters' priorities, the President's CNN town hall confab has placed civilian disarmament at the top of the assault media's pile. They will eventually lose...

President Obama Still Doesn’t Get It: It’s Culture That Stops Gun Violence

(This article originally appeared at Bold and is reprinted here with permission.) By Rebecca Bond On Tuesday, President Obama held his much-anticipated press conference on “Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence.”  The country awaited the draconian or...

Obama’s ‘Guns in America’ Town Hall Live Blog – Starts 7:00 PM Central

What better way for the President to follow up the weeping and the whoppers of Tuesday's same-old-same-old anti-gun agitprop pep rally than ensconcing himself in the friendly confines of CNN in front of an...

Ted Cruz Protests Obama’s Executive Orders By Giving Away a Shotgun

Let no one say Ted Cruz is letting the grass grow under his feet this campaign season. In the tradition of Cruz Christmas Classics, the Texas senator is poking the bear and taking full...

Obama’s Speech – A Crowd-Pleaser for the Left and the Ignorant

By Alan Korwin (from gunlaws.com, reprinted with permission) Here are the highlights from the president's plans on new gun controls. It is obvious he is limited in what he can do without Congress. His packed...

Jeb! Bush Misremembers Story About NRA Award

Jeb Bush has been telling the world how former NRA President Charleton Heston acknowledged Bush's contribution to the cause. “You know who you’re lookin’ at here? You’re looking at the guy who won the...

Live Stream of President’s Press Conference on Executive Orders on Gun Control Here

https://youtu.be/myfByN5p928 Announcement due to start at 11:40 am EST. (Note: the President is usually late to these things.) LIVE BLOG - REFRESH FOR UPDATES: Thank God they've assembled an appropriately multi-cultural background for this dog and pony...

Random Thoughts About ‘The Gun Lobby’

President Obama has never been our president. I first cottoned onto this fact when he called a bipartisan meeting on his proposed health care law. The President of the United States stood at the...

Obama’s Executive Action on Guns: My Prediction

There's been a flurry of news about the impending executive orders from President Obama on gun control. There are few hard facts about what's coming down the pipeline. But if you read the tea...

Question of the Day: Is Donald Trump a Friend of Ours?

I'm not a big fan of The Donald. When I met him at last year's SHOT Show, Mr. Trump did that pretend-to-acknowledge-you-while-looking-for-someone-more-important thing. And then instructed a minion to take a photo of us together...

NJ Governor Chris Christie Pardons a Marine for Gun Offenses

TTAG reader AM writes: CNN reports that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has pardoned a Unite States Marine for gun possession. "Sgt. Joshua Velez, a Massachusetts resident who works as recruiter in New England --...

Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Stop Obama Executive Orders on Guns

“In the United States, we do not have a king, but we do have a Constitution. We also have the Second Amendment, and I will fight tooth and nail to protect it.” With that...