Donald Trump: No Guns for Americans on the Terrorist Watch List

66 Donald Trump doesn't read TTAG. If the aspiring Commander-in-Chief read our post Here’s Why People on the “No Fly List” Should Be Able to Buy Guns, for example, he could've defended firearms freedom against the latest "common...

Donald Trump and a Brief History of Gun Control

121 reports that Donald Trump has called for Americans to bear arms to increase security in the United States. His statement reads as follows . . . Carrying a weapon is not always feasible or appropriate....

How NJ Governor Chris Christie Could Win the Pro-Gun Vote

Text of Governor Christie, allow concealed carry of firearms for self defense! petition at, which has garnered 11,399 signatories at the time of writing: The terrorists in Paris yesterday executed innocent civilians, and not one...

Obama Pledges to Focus on Gun Control During Final Year in Office

We've heard time and again how disappointed President Obama is with the fact that he hasn't passed any new gun control legislation. The root issue there is that Obama sees any and all new...

Hillary Clinton Was For State’s Rights on Gun Control Before She Was Against Them...

19 Finishing our Bernie vs. Hillary posts on firearms freedom (or the need for a lack thereof), I present this little ditty. Setting aside Clinton's use of the race card to demonize Sanders, it demonstrates that presidential hopeful...

Gun Control Advocates’ Reaction to VA Election Defeat Reveals Ongoing Reality Divorce

Did gun control cost McAuliffe and Democrats the Virginia election?'s headline asks. Because a one-word article wouldn't fill up the spaces between ads, writer Robert McCartney paints a picture of a band on the...

NY Dem Admits $100 Tax Intended to Make Guns Only for the Wealthy

A few days ago we brought you the story of a New York Congresswoman who wants to impose a $100 tax on every firearm sold in the United States. Anyone with a respiration rate could see...

Does Ted Cruz Know How to Carry a Shotgun?

Over at the, blogger Wes Siler proclaims that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz doesn't know how to carry a shotgun. Siler quotes "local hunter and lifetime NRA member Scott Nathan" who pronounces that "While his...

Question of the Day: Open Carry in Schools?

Rift Emerges Among Gun Owners Over Concealing Weapons in Schools, the headline at The New York Times proclaims. The story details Michiganders' fight over gun rights within the state's pubic schools. In this corner, we have gun...

Bloomberg’s and McAuliffe’s Anti-Gun Agenda the Big Losers in Last Night’s Virginia Senate Results

"Frustrating Democrats who hoped to prove decisively that running on a gun-reform message could produce winning margins at the ballot box, the Virginia Senate remained in Republican control Tuesday night after an expensive campaign...

The Truth About Why Smart Guns Aren’t On the Market

60 Minutes did a piece Sunday about smart guns, and it was about as fair and balanced as you could expect a mainstream media outlet to be. The general premise seemed to be "Look at all...

Quote of the Day: Knowing Your Prey Edition

“I hope I don’t have the time to be out here hunting next October.” - Ted Cruz in GOP Candidates, in the Hunt for Voters, Also Aim for Pheasants