Gun Rights Policy Conference 2015: Preaching to the Choir

I was sitting in Robert's garage smoking a cigar last week when he mentioned that the 2015 Gun Rights Policy Conference was coming up that weekend. My immediate response whenever I smell a potential...

NJ Gov Christie Pardons Three [Otherwise Law Abiding] Out-of-State Citizens Accused of Gun Crimes

Christie pardons 3 on gun charges after pressure on campaign trail the headline at northjersey,com proclaims. How cynical is that? Surely Christie pardoned North Carolina cell tower worker Brian Fletcher, Floridian Elizabeth Griffith and Pennsylvanian Todd Doering because...

Cuomo Demands Democrats Shut Down the Government Unless More Gun Control Legislation Passes

Democrats are absolutely livid over the concept that the Republicans in Congress are so staunchly opposed to funding Planned Parenthood that they are willing to shut down the government rather than continue to see...

Grassroots Gun Rights’ Biggest Fear: Bloomberg

Here at the Gun Rights Policy Conference there has been quite a bit of speechifyin'. Most of it is stuff we already know -- the various gun rights organizations generally do a good job...

BREAKING: Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Releases His Gun Policy

PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Donald J. Trump on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep...

Gun Policy Increasingly Important in the 2016 Race for President

Until former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley went full CSGV in a desperate effort to garner some media attention, gun rights have largely been absent from the 2016 presidential campaign so far. Still, a growing proportion...

Grassley Asks AG Lynch About Sexual Harassment and More at ATF

“Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is asking about the handling of multiple claims of sexual harassment, bullying, gender discrimination and witness intimidation by senior Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) managers...

Gun-Grabber Proposals, Including O’Malley’s, Getting More Outlandish and Laughable

An editorial in The Ellsworth American promises us “rational gun control.” Unsurprisingly, to anyone who understands that for “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day, it’s anything but that. In typical bipolar fashion, noise is...

Internet Poll: 29% of Americans Could Support a Military Coup

Sixty-two percent of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia think that Internet polls are worse than useless. True story! Internet "opt-in" surveys are the dictionary definition of a self-selecting sample. They have zero scientific credibility. They are inherently, profoundly misleading....

Is Open Carry at a Polling Place Electioneering?

Is open carry an act of political advocacy? And if so, should it be restricted at polling places on election day? I thought about those questions as I was perusing the remarks left by the...

The Candidates on Guns – Courtesy the NSSF [VIDEO]

25 From the National Shooting Sports Foundation: To help gun owners to register to vote and evaluate candidates' positions on Second Amendment and sportsmen's issues, NSSF provides #GUNVOTE, our voter education site, which we update regularly...

Oversight and Judiciary Could Ask ATF about Twin Peaks Ballistics Report

“A McLennan County investigator has obtained a search warrant to extract a bullet from the arm of a biker — killed last week in a wreck — who was wounded in the deadly May 17...