Arkansas Atty-General: Open Carry OK in The Natural State

On August 22, a man named Richard Chambless was arrested in Bald Knob, Arkansas, a hamlet north east of Little Rock, thrown in the klink, and on the 26th, was sentenced to one year...

White House Admits “Common Sense” Laws Wouldn’t Have Stopped VA Shooter, Wants Them Anyway

The common refrain from the Obama Administration is that if we had simply implemented "common sense" gun laws then some of these "gun violence tragedies" would not have occurred. That's the same logic they...

When Ideology Trumps Self-Preservation

Reader Alexander Strugatsky writes: Recently, I visited the Holocaust Museum in D.C. Among its multitude of exhibits – artifacts, photographs, films and news publications – covering the birth of Nazism through its demise, along with...

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders On ‘Gun Violence’ [VIDEO]

44 August 19, 2015 The Honorable Bernie Sanders United States Senator P.O. Box 905 Burlington, VT 05402 Dear Senator Sanders: I am writing to you today both in your capacity as a present United States Senator, as well as a candidate...

BREAKING: SAF, NSSF, NRA Team Up in Lawsuit Against Seattle’s Firearms Tax

The City of Seattle recently enacted a tax on all firearms and ammunition. There was no point to this tax other than to inconvenience lawful gun owners by making them pay more money to...

NRA Conducts Concealed Carry Training for IN Nat’l Guard

In a move to help Indiana National Guard members protect themselves against what the Obama Administration once referred to as "workplace violence" (and what the rest of the world refers to as Islamic terrorism),...

VA’s McAuliffe Could Add to Ranks of Anti-Gun Voters With Proposed Registration Change

If you listen to The Washington Post (and why wouldn’t you?), objections to proposed changes to Virginia’s voter registration requirements are just a partisan tempest in a teapot. True, non-citizens and felons would no...

Evolution in Progress – Trump on Guns [VIDEO]

Donald Trump is the frontrunner in the Republican field of presidential contenders at this time. He says that he is for the Second Amendment. All candidates say that they are for the Second Amendment,...

Jeb Bush and Michael Bloomberg – Together Again at Last

I didn't watch the GOP reality show Presidential debates on Thursday night -- as it happened, I needed to handle something at the office, which pretty much dragged on all night. (Oh, the things...

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Another Bangla Blogger Hacked to Death...

You won't be hearing much from plutocrat Michael Bloomberg or his gun control front-person Shannon Watts about Bangladeshi blogger Niloy Chowdhury. The forty-year old Chowdhury, who blogged under the name Niloy Neel, was a secular...

Cornyn’s NRA-Backed Mental Health Bill Needs to Address Key Questions

“A+”-rated* Sen. John Cornyn has the National Rifle Association’s backing for a “modest” bill “that would reward states for sending more information about residents with serious mental problems to the federal background check system...

We Prioritize Liberty Over Safety…And I Wouldn’t Want It Any Other Way

In response to Nick's recent post about a negligent discharge by one of the civilians openly carrying an AR 15-style rifle to protect a military recruitment center, a commenter named Paul posted the following (slightly...