Chuck Schumer to use Church Shooting to Push Irrelevant, Useless Gun Control Laws

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is one of the more outspoken advocates of gun control in Congress today. Every single time there's a firearms related incident that makes the national news he takes the opportunity...

‘Gravity Knife’ Law Reform Effort in NY May be Bad Omen for Eventual SAFE...

As we noted yesterday, you can't always tell whose side a politicritter is on -- whatever the issue -- by the letter after his or her name. To wit, the current effort to decriminalize...

Are Establishment Republicans Any Better Than Dems on the 2A?

As our 'I Am A Gun Owner' Facebook album illustrates, gun owners come in all shapes, sizes, colors, predilections and points on the political continuum. Which is as it should be. That said, it's safe...

Reader: At Least Sanders Didn’t Push Gun Control After Charleston Shooting

Reader Matt writes: Let me preface this message and tell you that I am a socialist, earth-loving, big government hippy. I believe that health care should be a right of all Americans, that there should...

Obama: It is in our power to do something about mass shootings

President Obama addressed last night's Charleston, South Carolina church shooting before the media today: "I don't need to be constrained about the emotions tragedies like this raise. I've had to make comments like this...

Maine Expands Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Governor Paul Le Page of Maine has signed LD868/SP313 into law. The bill reforms and streamlines the reciprocity process for Maine, removing discretion from the hands of the Chief of the State Police. The...

BREAKING: Congressional Dems Propose Licensing All Handgun Buyers

"'States require licenses to drive a car or even to fish in local rivers, so requiring a license to buy a deadly handgun is a commonsense step that could save countless lives. This legislation...

Chris Christie Pardons Steffon Josey-Davis for Breaking Idiotic NJ Gun Law

Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey and a candidate in the Republican presidential pack, has just issued a full pardon for Steffon Josey-Davis. Steffon was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon back in 2013...

Democrats Propose Ban on Plastic Guns

House Democrats will introduce a bill on Tuesday to require that all firearms include at least one metal component that is integral to the design of the gun, says The Hill. The bill is...

BREAKING: Supreme Court Upholds CA Locked and Disassembled Gun Law, Hollow Point Ban

The Associated Press reports that the Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from the NRA to strike down San Francisco's draconian gun laws. The issue at the heart of the case: the requirement that firearms be...

Obama’s Proposed Changes to ITAR Regulations Might Make Gun Reviews, 3D Printed Gun Diagrams...

Yesterday I urged y'all to take a chill pill over one of the proposed rule changes that the ATF is making regarding pistols. Today, we've got something a little different. The Department of State...

Lane County, OR Votes to Disregard Background Check Law

The Board of Commissioners of Lane County, Oregon, decided this week that it will not be enforcing the Beaver State's new background check law. The law effectively bars private sales of firearms by requiring all...