Don’t Write off Any State or Region

People in places such as California, New York, or Maryland, that respect their residents' civil right to keep and bear arms as much as the Supreme Court respected the right of American citizens to...

Those Old Regulations Didn’t Work? Time to Try New Rules

The old leftist writer, Gore Vidal, once famously said, "You know, I've been around the ruling class all my life, and I've been quite aware of their total contempt for the people of the...

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Family, Housekeeper Murdered in DC

The District of Columbia's regime of civilian disarmament helped claim more victims last month. Savaas Savopoulous, his wife Amy, his son Phillip, and the family's housekeeper, Veralicia Figueroa were all murdered after being beaten,...

BREAKING: Campus Carry PASSES in Texas

Moments ago, we received word that SB-11 (Campus Carry) has finally passed the Texas House, clearing the last legislative hurdle before heading to the governor's pen. The bill was dangerously close to falling off...

BREAKING: Democrats Introduce National Mandatory Firearms Insurance Bill

House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney from the state of New York has just introduced a bill designed to require all gun owners in the United States to purchase liability insurance before they can purchase a...

Maine Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill

Civil Liberties advocates have a reason to (cautiously) cheer as the Maine Senate passed L.D. 652 by a vote of 21-14, which would bring full Vermont-style Constitutional Carry to the Pine Tree State. The...

NC Senate Panel: Sunday Hunting A-OK

34 reports that a North Carolina Senate Panel has okayed hunting for part of the day on Sunday in the Tar Heel State. The bill, which is being passed on to the full Senate, would...

Mobile, AL GOP Pols Give Thumbs Down to Expanded Gun Rights

Alabama's history of respecting the civil rights of its residents has been spotty, to say the least. The Alabama Democratic Party, exemplified by members such as Sherrif "Bull" Connor and George Wallace, has a...

Remaining Differences in House and Senate Versions of Open Carry HB 910

In this document from the Texas legislature (pdf), the line by line differences in the House and Senate versions of HB 910, the pending open carry bill, are shown. All of the differences are in the...

Minnesota Gun Law Reform Signed by Governor Dayton Despite Veto Threat

So much for Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton's veto threats. He signed a public safety bill Friday that "include(s) granting reciprocity for concealed carry permits from other states, legalizing gun suppressors - sometimes called 'silencers,'...

Texas Open Carry Bill: The Saga Continues

Reader Dan H. writes: The Senate held the floor vote on the Senate committee substitute for Rep Phillips' HB910. It started as expected, with the Dems using delaying tactics...basically throwing anything and everything against the...

Does the Second Amendment Protect the Rest?

It is oft said in gun rights circles that the Second Amendment protects the first, as well as the other enumerated (and un-enumerated) rights in the Bill of Rights. Strictly from a Constitutional Law...