Will Minnesota’s Governor Shut Down the Government Over Silencers?

Dustin Doyle writes: Lots of exciting things are happening in Minnesota politics. www.gocra.org www.facebook.com/gocra and www.mngopac.org www.facebook.com/mngopac have most of the details. We passed five firearms bills out of the House and Senate, including a controversial suppressor...

Hillary! Doesn’t Want to Take Your Guns … Except the Ones She Wants to...

As I never grow tired of saying, if the anti-second amendment crowd didn't have bad arguments, they'd have no arguments at all. A blog called Addicting Info published an article written by someone named Sarah...

Override of Firearms Bill Veto Considered in Oklahoma

The Oklahoman reports that the Oklahoma legislature is considering an override attempt of a vetoed bill that would have limited the ability of certain businesses to bar persons from legally carrying firearms while on their...

Texas Open Carry Update: Progress?

Reader DH writes: Phillips' HB 910 is scheduled for hearing in Senate State Affairs Committee on Monday. After a repeat of everything that's been said previously by the antis in past hearings, it could go...

Giffords and Kelly Want More Gun Control in Oregon

Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly aren't happy enough with the newly-enacted universal baakground checks in Oregon. They want to see Democrats pass even more legislation while they can. Giffords was in Salem, promoting...

Henry Arms Hands WI Gov Scott Walker a Big Boy Steel

With both announced and prospective presidential candidates prowling the landscape, 'tis the season for demonstrations of support for issues held dear by each party's voting bases. Which is why Henry Repeating Arms GM Andy...

VT Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Pro-Gun Democrat?

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1 File this one under "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." slate.com's headline proclaims Bernie Sanders, Gun Nut. The anti-gun agit-prop propagators have it in for the "far-left" (socialist) Democrat Senator from Vermont, a man who dares...

Texas Open Carry Update: Late Movement

Reader DH writes: In a remarkable coincidence, if you believe them -- which I will go on the record to say that when it comes to Texas legislature, I do not -- last night SB11,...

Bloomberg Money Opposing Maine Constitutional Carry Bill

Maine may be the most likely state to pass constitutional carry next.  The state is one of those which has has preserved open carry without government permission, though that can be said of over 60%...

Republican Tax Fight Threatens Nevada’s “Year of the Gun”

Reader RH writes: With Republicans sweeping both houses of the Nevada legislature and retaining the Governor and Lt. Governor seats in November’s election, the Las Vegas Review Journal opined “2015 could be year of the...

OR State Senator From “Slavery” Video Talks to TTAG

April hasn't been a kind month to Oregon State Senator Chuck Riley (D-Hillsboro). The freshman Beaver State senator -- whose campaign last year received $75,000 from Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety civilian disarmament...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Hires Everytown for Gun Safety Campaign Manager

Hillary Clinton is no stranger to gun control. When she announced her run for the presidency two weeks ago I posted a little round-up of all the comments she has made on the record...