Do Non-Citizens Have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

  Are non-citizens entitled to the same protection of their constitutionally-protected natural rights that U.S. citizens receive? That is the crux of the issue in the matter of Messmer v. Harrison. On Friday, the U.S....

South Carolina House Passes Imperfect Constitutional Carry Bill

For out-of-staters with licenses to carry firearms, South Carolina has been a bit of an outlier in the old south. While the other states in Dixie tend to recognize out-of-state licenses rather freely (and...

TN Governor Signs ‘Guns In Parks’ Bill Despite Heavy Protest From Moms Demand Action

If you needed any further proof that the Moms Demand Action gun control group (employees of Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns gun control group) are losing what little power and influence they once had,...

Peter King Hearts Gun Control. Again. Still.

46 On Friday, Congressman Peter King of New York spoke at The Nation Leadership Summit in New Hampshire. During his speech, he came out in favor of more gun control while being sure to simultaneously...

Texas Gun Sense: Bloomberg? Who’s Bloomberg?

Reader DH writes, So I was watching the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee hearing yesterday morning and yet a new tactic on the part of the Manic Moms emerged. The representative from Texas Gunsense,...

NRA IRS and Election Law Fraud Exposed?

I'm not an accountant, a lawyer or tax attorney. So I can't tell you whether or not The NRA’s brazen shell game with donations: A Yahoo News investigation reveals a major scandal in the National Rifle Association's...

Head of Gun Control Org Kicks Single Mom to the Curb

The Philadelphia Inquirer will never be mistaken for a pro-gun publication, but even their editorial board found the travails of Shaneen Allen -- a single mother of two who ran afoul of New Jersey's Kafkaesque...

Canadian Supreme Court Quashes Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Gun Crimes

This week, in the matter of Regina v. Nur, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional a statute that required mandatory minimum sentences for firearms possession crimes. The law, Section 95 of the Canadian Criminal...

Ted Cruz Encourages Armed Insurrection. Or Not.

75 Ted Cruz’s frightening gun fanaticism: When a presidential contender encourages armed insurrection. That's the headline at, as steadfast a proponent of civilian disarmament as you'll find on the Internets. Sub-head: "Ted Cruz thinks Americans...

Bill Would Remove Race/Ethnicity Question From 4473 Form

Two representatives have submitted a bill in Congress that would ban the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives from collecting data related to a firearm purchaser's race and ethnicity. The Freedom from Intrusive Regulatory...

Texas House Vote on Permitted Open Carry Due Monday. Done Deal?

Some of you might remember seeing a post here proclaiming that open carry has passed in Texas. Well... it hasn't. Not yet, at least. Last week, some legal wrangling knocked the open carry bill...

Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Gun Quotes

Nick already did a stellar job highlighting Hillary Clinton's anti-gun stance. gives pro-gun rights voters more reasons not to support her candidacy - as if you needed them. With the prospect of a Jeb Bush...