Gun Control Lobbyist Forgets He’s Flacking for a “Grass Roots” Operation

One of the problems with hiring lobbyists to lie for you in a public forum is that eventually, they might slip up and tell the truth instead. Something along those lines appears to have...

Energy Giant Fights Against Montanans’ Civil Rights

NorthWestern Energy, a South-Dakota based energy conglomerate with over one billion dollars in gross annual revenue, likes that it can ban its employees from carrying firearms at work so much so that it's willing to fight...

VT Gun Control Legislation Marches On

By Sara Tipton Despite earlier defeats, gun control advocates are still pushing legislation in Vermont. The restrictive measures against firearms were thought to be dead earlier this year, however, two provisions of the original bill put...

West Virginia Governor Vetoes Constitutional Carry Bill

Despite speculation that he'd allow constitutional carry to become law without his signature, West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin wasted no time in vetoing Senate Bill 347 when it hit his desk. As reports,...

Florida Campus Carry Bill Moving Toward House Passage

By Sara Tipton Should Florida's HB 4005 become law, college students in the state of Florida will have the option to carry guns on college campuses. Sponsored by Representative Greg Steube, a republican out of Sarasota, HB 4005 gives college...

Texas Senate Passes Campus Carry Bill

"The Texas Senate voted Wednesday overwhelmingly to allow people with concealed handgun licenses to carry guns on the state's public college and university campuses. 'Our CHL holders are the most law-abiding members of our...

TX Senate Approves Bill to Fine Govts. for ‘No Guns’ Signs

The pro-gun rights momentum in the Texas Legislature keeps rolling on. Today the senate approved a bill that would fine local governments for posting "no guns" signs on public building where firearms should be...

GOP Fires Back With Bill in House in Support of M855 Ammo

On Monday, Representative Patrick McHenry (R-North Carolina), introduced H.R. 1365, the Ammunition and Firearms Protection Act, in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill is a reaction to the recent kerfuffle over the BATFE's...

Minnesota House Panel OKs Legalizing Silencers

On Thursday, a Panel in the Minnesota House of Representatives voted in favor of which would de-criminalize the possession of silencers and prohibit a chief law enforcement officer from refusing to perform NFA sign-offs...

AZ Legislature Considers Bills to Further Liberalize Gun Laws

The Arizona Legislature is considering several bills expanding protections for the right of Arizonans to carry concealed weapons in public areas as well as limiting the state's ability to regulate firearms transfers, reports the Associated...

BREAKING: Texas Senate Passes Open Carry Bill

Open carry is one step closer to reality for those in the Lone Star State. Late this evening the Senate passed SB17, a bill which would allow people to openly carry a loaded firearm...

Gun Hero of the Day: CT Rep. Rob Sampson

38 You may recall that California's gun control advocates capitalized on the Isla Vista spree killing by ramming through a bill creating Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs). TTAG identified this as one of the worst civilian disarmament laws...