FedEx Refuses to Ship Defense Distributed’s ‘Ghost Gunner’ CNC Machines

FedEx is a common carrier. They ship just about everything from prescription medications to firearms and silencers. In fact, I've used them before to send guns across state lines, and all they wanted to...

BREAKING: Bodyguard for Moms Demand Action Assaults Open Carry Texas President

We've already pointed out the hypocrisy on display by Moms Demand Action, the Bloomberg-funded group who demands that all Americans be disarmed and guns be banned yet hides behind their own paid armed guards....

Illinois Democrat Sponsors Bill to Legalize Suppressors

Illinois State Representative Brandon Phelps has sponsored a bill which would repeal the ban on silencers in the Land of Lincoln and allow them to be used while hunting, to boot. What are the...

Vermont Legislators Wearin’ of the Green (and Orange)

As reported earlier, the Vermont legislature is currently considering gun control legislation, and according to an article in the Vermont Free Press, it has Vermonters dressing up like competing rallies in Ulster: Orange against the bill,...

California Lawmaker Wants to Make Filing False “Gun Violence Prevention Orders” a Felony

In California right now, a "concerned family member" can call the police and claim that a law abiding gun owner is really a psychotic murderer bent on taking out a bus load of children. They they...

House Bill Would Roll Back “Sue-And-Settle” Regulatory Creep

Reader John D. writes . . . You cover a fair number of hunting issues, so I thought this legislation might interest you and your readers. Particularly readers in the western states which have born...

Michael Donovan: Enact Gun Control to Protect “Wealthy White Individuals”

The historical link between gun control and racist oppression in America is clear enough for anyone who dispassionately examines the record. Most people who are trying to roll back civilian ownership of firearms tend...

Dems Introduce Legislation to Ban “High Capacity” Magazines. Again.

I'm subscribed to the Democrats' email list. Why? Because I once was one, and I can't find the "unsubscribe" button. For the last few weeks they have been using this list to hammer into...

New Pennsylvania Firearms Law is a Harsh Mistress

In The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, writer Robert A. Heinlein famously suggested that a legislature should have an entire chamber of members whose sole task was to repeal laws. By inserting a group...

NRA Backs Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015

In December, a Federal appeals court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency could not regulate lead ammunition used by hunters. A flock of 101 environmental pressure and advocacy group had sued the EPA in...

GOP-Controlled Colorado Senate Moves to Roll Back Gun Control Laws

Reader Pascal writes: As the AP is reporting, "Colorado Republican leaders have begun a legislative push to repeal recently passed gun control measures, reigniting one of the most intense political debates in recent history. The first...

Constitutional Carry Bill Intro’d in West Virginia Senate

The latest attempt to expand constitutional carry comes to us from the Mountain State. SB347 would remove the penalties for carrying a concealed weapon, if the person is not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms. From (a)...