BREAKING: Bad News for Gun Rights in WA

Initiative 594 is one of the most draconian "universal background check" laws anywhere, and it just passed in Washington State. For some examples of how ridiculous this law is, please see here. On the...

BREAKING: Republicans Gain Control of U.S. Senate

Throughout the last two years, the U.S. Senate has been a petri dish of bad gun control legislation. From Dianne Feinstein's attempts to ban the vast majority of modern firearms to the Toomey-Manchin universal...

BREAKING: Abbott Wins Texas Governor Race

Open carry wasn't an issue in the Governor race this year in Texas for one very important reason: both candidates supported it. Both Republican Greg Abbott and Democrat Wendy Davis had voiced their support...

Russian Action Movie Star Shoots Machine Gun At Ukranians

68 "A Russian action film star is in hot water after he was caught on film wearing press gear while firing a machine gun toward Ukrainian lines with Moscow-backed rebels at Donetsk airport," reports....

Will You #GUNVOTE? (Plus WA Ballot Initiative 594)

With midterm elections only a couple weeks away... actually, scratch that, more than a million Americans have already cast their midterm ballots. In fact, I received my Washington State absentee ballot in the mail...

New Lawsuit Aims to Overturn Post-86 Machine Gun Ban

Back in May, I first wrote about the possibility that a new ruling could open the floodgates for trusts to register new machine guns. On September 11th, that possibility became fact when the ATF...

BREAKING: Court Strikes Down Chicago’s De Facto Ban on Firing Ranges

It used to be the case that Chicago banned all firing ranges within city limits. The city's powers that be detest everything related to firearms, and saw every encumbrance they could place in the...

Russian Gun Maker Plans to Skirt US Import Ban by Selling Company

A couple months ago, President Obama declared a ban on the importation of Saiga and Kalashnikov Concern firearms to the United States. The stated reason was to punish the Russian government and people for...

DC City Council Wants to Name and Ostracize Legal Gun Owners

89 I talked yesterday about the recently passed emergency concealed carry law that has been enacted in Washington, DC. As you can tell from the video, the council members certainly don't like it. One member...

Brady Campaign To Sue LuckyGunner for Selling Ammo Used in Aurora Shooting

It was less than a year ago that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence was dealt a significant blow when their high profile lawsuit against Armslist was summarily dismissed for being the dumbest...

Bloomberg Gives $1m to WA Expanded Background Check Ballot Measure

Washington State is ground zero in gun control advocates' campaign to "expand" mandatory government background checks to all firearms purchases and transfers (including gun shows and family gifts). Come November, Evergreen State voters will either...

Text Released: Democrat-Sponsored Bill to Ban Body Armor

A couple weeks back we reported on a bill introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by California Democrat Mike Honda to ban the sale of body armor to "civilians" in the United States....