BREAKING: President Obama Plans New Executive Orders on Gun Control

  You know how they say there’s nothing so dangerous as a wounded animal? Scratch that — it turns out there’s something much worse. Nothing’s more dangerous than a (politically) wounded politician. Particularly one with executive...

Texas Senator Introduces Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

It boggles the mind that marriage licenses and driver's licenses are recognized in every state of the union, but not my concealed handgun license. You'd think that the "full faith and credit" clause would...

Detroit Police Chief James Craig Wants YOU! To CCW!

Detroit Police Chief James Craig dropped a bomb on the smug and cozy world of gun-control advocates last week, when he said publicly what the statistics and sociologists have been saying for years: more...

BREAKING: Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), of “Shoulder Thing that Goes Up” Fame, To Retire

69 Carolyn McCarthy has been one of the most outspoken advocates for gun control in the United States. Elected after her husband was shot and killed on the Long Island Railroad, she championed the original...

Incendiary Image Of The Day: Greasing The Treads Of Our Tanks

This image comes to us from the Facebook page of Congressman Steve Stockman, Republican of Texas, where the tenor of the ensuing debate makes our own dear mikeb2000 look positively collegial by comparison. Laughs...

Q-Poll: Colorado Governor Hickenlooper In Big Trouble

After Colorado's Democratic legislators rammed through their knee-jerk magazine ban last year, angry Centennial State voters kicked two of the bastards out of office and forced a third to resign before she was voted...

BREAKING: Senate Approves Extension of Undetectable Firearms Act, Rejects New Regulations

  The Undetectable Firearms Act was introduced as a knee-jerk reaction to the fictional Glock 7 handgun, an all plastic gun used as a movie prop. Decades later the law is once again about to...

House of Representatives Could Vote on “Undetectable Firearms Act” As Soon As This Afternoon

The House of Representatives is looking to vote on the new Undetectable Firearms Act bill, proposed by Rep. Steve Israel, which would re-implement and expand the previous incarnation. Not only would the new bill ban...

Confessions of a 2A Non-Absolutist

Folks who've read some of my prior articles know that I don't always toe the 2A line as much as some of the other contributors to this site. It's ironic, some might say, given...

CA Town Bans Smoking In Private Homes – Yes, This Matters

The San Rafael city council recently passed an ordinance that makes it illegal to smoke in your own home. The excuse 'logic' for this breathtaking coup of social engineering is, you guessed it, 'public...

CO Senate President John Morse Concedes, Officially Recalled for Anti-Gun Stance

Colorado Senate President John Morse paid the ultimate political price today for his dedicated Second Amendment abrogating advocacy. Despite millions of dollars poured into the state by Michael Bloomberg and the rest of the...
chocolate bullets

Joe Biden’s Chocolate Bullets Are Go

You may recall that Vice President Joe Biden's Being Biden blog recently featured a letter from a third grader who expressed his wish that guns should fire chocolate bullets. Using scrawl that validates the...