Chuck Norris [Not Shown] & NRA Tooling-Up For Nov. Elections

The National Rifle Association’s Freedom Action Foundation is launching their 2014 “Trigger the Vote” Voter Registration Campaign. But because a pun does not a pro-gun voter movement make, the NRA's once again turning to Chuck...

Boxer’s Fix: Gun Violence Prevention Orders

Reader Tim T. recently wrote to one of his senators, Barbara Boxer. For those unfamiliar, this is someone to whom even those on the left give a pass under the assumption that she's simply...

UPDATE: MO RKBA Amendment Could Lead to Constitutional Carry

Missouri's Constitutional Amendment 5 passed yesterday with 62% of the vote and 3712 of 3898 precincts reported. It's a clear statement of support for the right to keep and bear arms, clarifying that it's a fundamental...

CA Lawmaker Proposes Banning Body Armor for All “Civilians”

119 Apparently it isn't enough that the Democrats continue to find new ways to prevent citizens from defending themselves with firearms. Now they also seem dead-set on making Americans even more vulnerable in an effort to stop...

Bloomberg PAC Dumps $150,000 Into Race Against Pro-Gun Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

Reader Brian K. writes: It appears that Lord Farqaad, aka Michael Bloomberg, is piling on to an easy opportunity to take out a pro-gun sheriff in a liberal county. Apparently he is dumping 150K in...
Michael Bloomberg angry

BREAKING: Bloomberg Loses Again – Milwaukee’s Pro-Gun Sheriff David Clarke Wins Democrat Primary

You'd think that at some point Michael Bloomberg would tire of unproductively flushing his cash down anti-gun electoral ratholes. Then again, when you're worth $33 billion, blowing $150,000 on a futile effort to defeat a...

Constitution State Gun Owners Strike Back: Dethrone GOP Gun Control Architect

Reader CTSheepdog writes: In Connecticut yesterday, John McKinney, state Senate Minority Leader, lost his bid for the GOP candidacy to face Governor Dan Malloy in November. McKinney, one of the architects of Connecticut’s restrictive 2013...

Poll: Chicago Residents Feel Less Safe with Concealed Carry Legal

I've written before about the difference between feeling safe and actually being safe, but it's a concept around which most in the anti-gun population will never be able to wrap their heads. Their entire...

Text Released: Democrat-Sponsored Bill to Ban Body Armor

A couple weeks back we reported on a bill introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by California Democrat Mike Honda to ban the sale of body armor to "civilians" in the United States....

Bloomberg Gives $1m to WA Expanded Background Check Ballot Measure

Washington State is ground zero in gun control advocates' campaign to "expand" mandatory government background checks to all firearms purchases and transfers (including gun shows and family gifts). Come November, Evergreen State voters will either...

Brady Campaign To Sue LuckyGunner for Selling Ammo Used in Aurora Shooting

It was less than a year ago that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence was dealt a significant blow when their high profile lawsuit against Armslist was summarily dismissed for being the dumbest...

DC City Council Wants to Name and Ostracize Legal Gun Owners

89 I talked yesterday about the recently passed emergency concealed carry law that has been enacted in Washington, DC. As you can tell from the video, the council members certainly don't like it. One member...