Of Hemingway, Castro and Che

By Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D. Following publication of his book, The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro, Humberto Fontova gave an interview to The Daily Caller that was turned into an excellent...
Teacher Training Shooting armed concealed carry

Biden Wants to Prevent Armed Teachers From Protecting Themselves and Their Students

Preventing teachers from carrying firearms is just one of Joe Biden's gun control goals. See his other priorities for rolling back Second Amendment rights here. The idea of arming teachers to prevent school shootings burst...
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

Alito: Democrats’ NYSRPA Brief Was ‘An Affront to the Constitution and the Rule of...

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito addressed the Federalist Society last week and held forth on a number of topics affecting the Court. One of the most interesting subjects he covered was the handling of...

America’s Tense Political Atmosphere Is Leading to Increased Black Gun Ownership

Gun ownership is most common among white men, particularly those who live in rural areas and those who describe themselves as conservative, according to the Pew Research Center and other surveys. According to a 2015 report by...

Fact vs. Narrative in the Trayvon Martin Case

With the third anniversary of the death of Trayvon Martin (2/26/12) coinciding with the exit from office of Attorney General Eric Holder, this is a good time to review the facts -- not the narrative...

Proposed Executive Order Designating Certain Rifles for ‘Militia Purposes’

The faulty Fourth Circuit decision issued last week upholding Maryland's Scary Gun Ban runs afoul of good jurisprudence. The ruling found that Second Amendment protections don't extend to individuals who wish to own certain semi-automatic...
Joe Biden Gun Pose

Biden: Ban 9mm Pistols Just Like We Ban Bazookas and Machine Guns

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden can't go a day without sticking his foot in his mouth any more. At a $2,800 per head event in Seattle this weekend, he asked rhetorically, "Why should we allow...

About The Letter 110 Congressmen Just Sent to the DOJ Regarding the ATF’s NFA...

Have you ever used an accountant or tax preparer to fill out your 1040 form? You know, they do all the work and when it's ready, all you have to do is open a...
Joe Biden

A President Biden Won’t Be Able to Enact the Radically Anti-Gun Agenda He Says...

Joe’s luck has turned. Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton all came into office with majorities in both the Senate and House, as well as a honeymoon. All of them — yes, even Trump — were far...
Jon Ossoff

Americans’ Gun Rights Hang on the Results of the Two Georgia Senate Runoff Elections

Republicans currently hold 50 seats in the upcoming US Senate. To secure control of the upper body along with the ability to block a Biden administration's worst impulses regarding firearms and gun rights (which...

NEVER PROUDER TO BE AN AMERICAN: One Story From Richmond, Virginia Today

by Dale Lock Guns Save Life Sangamon County Regional Director Today my son and I attended the Virginia Civilian Defense League (VCDL) lobby day event. As you know by now, the world did not come to...
doctor gun control

Medical Schools Teaching Students That Guns are a ‘Public Health Problem’ [VIDEO]

https://youtu.be/YnUC6Ibr9So This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. Medical schools teaching students that guns are a “public health problem” Public...