Winning: Gun Rights Support Soars to Historic Highs in New Pew Poll

For decades we've seen a steady movement in public opinion away from the 1980's era belief that gun control is the solution to all of our nation's crime problems. In the aftermath of the Sandy...

Wendy Davis: Supporting Open Carry and Gun Rights Was Just a Lie

In the race for the Governor's seat in Texas, one of the more remarkable things about the campaign -- among many -- was the fact that both candidates proclaimed their support for open carry and...

PA State Rep Moves to Ban Human Silouhette Targets

Time and again, we hear that the #1 reason people buy guns is to use them for concealed carry or home defense. The implied purpose: shooting bad guys. We often don't like to think...

Another Billionaire Against Civil Liberties

Billionaire Elaine Wynn, co-founder of the Wynn casino empire (along with her ex-husband, Steve) and president of the Nevada Board of Education, has earned a new title: anti-civil rights activist. USA Today reports that Ms. Wynn...

OMG! NH Bill Would Expand Right to Carry! OMG!

Three New Hampshire states representatives have proposed a bill that would remove restrictions for persons who can legally own a firearm to carry it them in a concealed fashion without needing a separate license,...

Everytown for Gun Safety Admits it Misrepresented Facts, Lawsuit Pending

Everytown for Gun Safety, the anti-civil rights organization founded by billionaire plutocrat Michael Bloomberg, issued a statement admitting that it had misrepresented facts in one of its recent advertisements. As Cheryl Chumley of The...

Boston U. Trustees to “Socially Responsible” Investment Group: Drop Dead

The forces arrayed against our civil rights are starting to recognize that a single, all-encompassing legal win against the right to keep and bear arms in Congress or the judiciary is just not in...

Constitutional Carry Bill Intro’d in West Virginia Senate

The latest attempt to expand constitutional carry comes to us from the Mountain State. SB347 would remove the penalties for carrying a concealed weapon, if the person is not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms. From (a)...

GOP-Controlled Colorado Senate Moves to Roll Back Gun Control Laws

Reader Pascal writes: As the AP is reporting, "Colorado Republican leaders have begun a legislative push to repeal recently passed gun control measures, reigniting one of the most intense political debates in recent history. The first...

NRA Backs Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015

In December, a Federal appeals court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency could not regulate lead ammunition used by hunters. A flock of 101 environmental pressure and advocacy group had sued the EPA in...

New Pennsylvania Firearms Law is a Harsh Mistress

In The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, writer Robert A. Heinlein famously suggested that a legislature should have an entire chamber of members whose sole task was to repeal laws. By inserting a group...

Dems Introduce Legislation to Ban “High Capacity” Magazines. Again.

I'm subscribed to the Democrats' email list. Why? Because I once was one, and I can't find the "unsubscribe" button. For the last few weeks they have been using this list to hammer into...