Blue Force Gear ‘Goes Social’ at NRA Annual Meetings

If you're attending or just interested in the NRA Show this year, Blue Force Gear is running a handful of creative social media campaigns, scavenger hunts, and other engagement activities. Press release with full...

New From DoubleStar: Stocks, Brakes, Rifles, and More

Usually SHOT Show takes the cake for new product releases, but DoubleStar isn't holding back at this year's NRA Annual Meetings. In the two press releases below we get the deets on four new...

New From Savage Arms: Stevens 301, a Very Affordable Single Shot Shotgun

A $173 MSRP shotgun from a respected manufacturer in 2017? While I can't say I saw that coming, the utility of a single-shot, break-action shotgun in 12 ga, 20 ga, or .410 bore isn't...

New From Federal: Train + Protect VHP and Non-Typical Whitetail Ammo

Federal Ammunition will be releasing two new product lines at the NRA Annual Meetings this weekend: Train + Protect handgun rounds with a new "Versatile Hollow Point" projectile, and Non-Typical rifle ammo specifically for...

New From Bergara: Hunting & Match Rifle and Bergara Match Precision Rifle

  This weekend at the NRA Annual Meetings, Bergara will be showing off two new rifles and giving away a B14 of some flavor. New to the brand are the Hunting & Match Rifle (HMR),...

New From CMMG: MkG45 GUARD

2016 may have been "the year of the pistol-caliber carbine," though we don't foresee 2017 slowing down on this trend. CMMG, which has a long history of making 9mm AR-15 components, has just branched...

New From Hogue: Ruger Mark IV G10 Grips and Aqua Blue Grips

I happen to love me some Hogue G10 grips, as seen in the review here. While TTAG hasn't yet reviewed the new Ruger Mark IV series -- something we're looking to correct soon! --...

New From MasterPiece Arms: Enhanced Vertical Grip (EVG)

Earlier this month, Jeff Gonzales of The Range at Austin walked us through the fundamentals of proper trigger finger placement. One of the keys to consistency and accuracy is the correct location of the...

New From SIG SAUER: SIG HT Hunting Ammo in .223

SIG's line of hunting ammunition -- SIG HT -- has tripled in size this month. Expanding on their existing 120 grain 300 BLK offering, the new 60 grain .223 Rem HT and 150 grain...

New From Heckler & Koch: The VP9SK

Considering the popularity of the duty-sized HK VP9 -- TTAG gave it a solid Four Stars -- it was only a matter of time before a compact version designed for concealed carry was released. Actually, it...

New From Springfield Armory: Undisclosed New Pistol Platform

This coming Friday morning at the NRA Annual Meetings, Springfield will be releasing a "new pistol platform." Stay tuned to TTAG on Friday and throughout the weekend for this and other new product info and...

New From The Well Armed Woman: First Aid Kits

My range bag has a tourniquet, Israeli bandage, QuikClot, nitrile gloves and horse tranquilizers for RF. What don't I have? A handy, little bag to hold all these things. The Well Armed Woman checks all those...