Question of the Day: What Do Gun Control Advocates Mean by “Common Sense”?
Banning guns in state Senate, House galleries is common sense the headline at proclaims. Hello Seattle? How is stopping Washingtonians from exercising their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear...
Question of the Day: What Do You Say to Pro-Gun Control Gun Owners?
The not-so-technical term for a gun owning gun control supporter is a "Fudd." As in Elmer Fudd. And there are plenty of Fudds out there, casting fear, uncertainty and doubt on Americans' natural, civil...
Question of the Day: “Gun Violence” – What’s a Mother to Do?
We JUST missed the 5th Anniversary of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Hey, I was busy trying to master Stern's Indiana Jones. We're talking eight ball multi-ball. Anyway, I got to wondering ....
End Qualified Immunity for Police? Question of the Day
In the essay below, Rob Morse argues that the qualified immunity from prosecution enjoyed by American police officers poses a threat to public safety, leading cops to treat possible threats as lethal threats, leading...
Question of the Day: Pay Criminals Not to Commit Crimes?
"Stockton is moving forward with a million-dollar effort to reduce shootings by training and paying suspected violent offenders to put down their weapons and make something of their lives," reports . ....
Question of the Day: Do You Hide Guns Around Your House?
I consider firearms functional works of art. Well the best ones. So why would I want to hide them away in the darkness of a gun safe, only to emerge for show-and-tell or range...
Question of the Day: Which Gun Companies Are on Your “No Buy” List and...
Whenever we post something about Springfield Armory (as we will later today), aggrieved members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia swear a blood oath not to buy from the Illinois gunmaker. They're pissed that the Illinois...
Question of the Day: Gun Bunnies, Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em?
I'm not sure if American Gun Chic (video below) qualifies as a "gun bunny." Unlike a lot of YouTube firearms females, she admits her gun-related ignorance and inexperience. Her videos are all about learning...
Question of the Day: Disarm Gun Owners Accused of Domestic Violence?
"Only 17 states and the District of Columbia have passed gun-relinquishment bills that force domestic abusers and other violent offenders with restraining orders to hand over their firearms," Diane Diamond writes at Click here...
Question of the Day: What’s “An Honest Conversation About Guns”?
Every now and then, a gun control advocate likes to portray their position as rational and reasonable. Someone like Cyndy Mullineaux (above), who penned a letter to the editor at Jersey's headlined Honest conversation...
Question of the Day: Do You Trust the Police?
"The leader of the Baltimore Police Department’s corrupt Gun Trace Task Force pleaded guilty to racketeering and other charges Friday morning, admitting to a wide range of new crimes, including dirt bike thefts and re-selling stolen prescription...
Question of the Day: What Self-Defense Ammo Do You Carry?
“Ideal bullet performance is a round that stops a threat by expanding to a large diameter to cause the maximum amount of tissue damage and penetrates deep enough to reach vital organs." That's...