Question of the Day: Have You Ever Forgotten You Were Carrying?
"So, a state representative attempts to go through DIA security and 'forgets' that she is armed," former cop Richard Mignogna writes in a letter to the editor. "Then, in a Sunday Denver Post op-ed, writer...
Question of the Day: How Much Ammo Is Enough?
Since I first started this gun thing "my" ammo has been TTAG's ammo. As this website's reviewers need a large, constant supply of bullet food (thank you IMI), I don't have a handle on...
Question of the Day: Why Do Gun Owners Fear The Government?
According to a recent CBS poll, just under half of American gun owners list "protection from crime" as the main reason they're tooled-up. Just five percent of respondents chose "protection from government." So much for...
Question of the Day: Does Call of Duty WWII Suck? [Video NSFW]
In the video below, YouTuber The Act Man uses some strong language to rip Call of Duty WWII a new one. In a 36-minute diatribe TAM bitches about the dearth of weapon choices and a bunch of...
Question of the Day: Is There Any Hope for Massachusetts’ Gun Owners?
In the video below, we learn that Boston hospitals are "pooling" $17k to fund a bit of security theater commonly called a "gun buyback." I'm not saying that diverting money from patient care to...
Question of the Day: Why Are Gun Control Advocates Obsessed with Firearms?
The headline above the chart above makes my blood boil. Where Lethal Violence is Fueled by Firearms implies these countries would've had a lower homicide rate if there'd been less firearms. So all we have...
Question of the Day: Do You Hunt?
I'm pro-hunting. As the Dallas Safari Club asserts in its big ass billboard defending its January convention, hunting preserves endangered species. (Yes, even lions!) And there's no doubt that hunting helps conserve natural habitats....
Question of the Day: What’s First in Your Heart: God, Family or Guns?
"More and more Americans are moving away from organized religion and toward all manner of alternative spiritual paths," asserts. "And newly published research suggests that guns may be replacing God, scripture and community...
Question of the Day: Does America’s “Violent Culture” Glorify “Gun Violence?”
"Our culture seems to have taken a road that glorifies violence," James Lubker writes at "Television and computer-video games provide an endless source of violence . . .
Consider that we now have games...
Question of the Day: Are Gun Control Researchers Insane?
"After the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., people across the country went out and bought guns," reports. "A study published Thursday concludes that a subsequent increase in gun exposure led to more...
Question of the Day: Are Gun Control Advocates Insane?
There's been a lot of talk about guns in Milwaukee, after a photo of three sewer workers openly packing heat on the job went viral (above). Make that former sewer workers . . .
American Sewer...
Question of the Day: How Did You Teach Your Little Guy/Gal How to Shoot?
In the video below, YouTuber Captain Gimli shares a totes adorbs tip for early education, firearms-wise. Assuming you've reproduced, how did you teach your kids to shoot? What was their starter gun? How did you...