CapArms Question of the Day: Fake Cops! It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun...

48 reports that a Choctaw, Oklahoma a resident and his wife "told police that three men, who claimed to be police officers, came to the door and asked if they had any guns in the...

CapArms Question of the Day: Should Police Ditch Shotguns for Rifles?

84 In the video above, a San Diego police officer armed with a pump-action shotgun helps take out an active shooter at a pool party. From a fair distance. Assuming he was shooting double-ought bucks,...

CapArms Question of the Day: Do You Know How To De-Escalate Potential Violence?

34 De-escalation is all the rage these days. The entire Chicago PD, for example, are now required to take de-escalation training. Seems pretty simple to me. For one thing, cops shouldn't get in someone's face. Literally. Distance...

CapArms Question of the Day: Feeling Confident About Gun Rights?

Five years after Sandy Hook, still no new gun laws the headline at proclaims. I bet I don't have to tell you that the Public Radio International article is bemoaning rather than celebrating the...

CapArms Question of the Day: Got Backpack?

53 After TSA found a number of hollow-point .45's nestled deep in my dual range/travel bag, I decided it's probably a good idea to have one bag for gun stuff and one for travel. At...

CapArms Question of the Day: Does the Pace of Gun Rights Restoration Make You...

"The Texas Senate has approved allowing concealed carry permit holders to have guns in their locked cars parked outside schools," reports. About time! Every time I enter my daughter's school to drop off something she...

CapArms Question of the Day: Stop & Search…Yes or No?

61 The UK is a lost cause, individual rights-wise. The good professor above can point out the non-existent effect of stop and search in the U.K. until he's blue in the face without having any...

CapArms Question of the Day: Are You Tired of Watching Shooters Blow Sh*t Up?

69 The Chive is an excellent resource for pictures of well-endowed scantily-clad young women. 22 Plinkster is an excellent resource for trick shots. Why not combine the two, in that "hey you got peanut butter...

CapArms Question of the Day: How Safe is Your Training?

8 I recently helped IDF vet and TTAG writer Ron Grobman put this video together -- in the sense that I participated in his night fighting course. 'Scuse the pun, but it was a real...

CapArms Question of the Day: Is Your Kid’s School a ‘Gun Free Zone’?

"State law allows Montana school boards to let anyone carry a gun in schools," reports. "Custer is one of only three that do — fewer than one percent of schools in a state...

CapArms Question of the Day: Got Milsurp Rifle?

85 wants you to know Why everyone should own military surplus weapons. Strangely, it's got nothing to do with defending freedom against government tyranny. Which is why the author makes no mention of the modern AR-15 or...

CapArms Question of the Day: Will Guns Ever Be “Normal” Again?

75 Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy (true story) with a gun he ordered from Sears. That was delivered to his home. Some of TTAG's OFWGs may remember those days, when guns weren't the Great...