Question of the Day: Which Handgun for a MA Newb?

jp writes: I live in MA and so my personal experience with firearms has been spotty at best.I was fortunate to have grown up in the Boy Scouts and with several veteran Uncles who taught...

Question of the Day: Do Firearms Owners Face Discrimination?

John writes: I had a conversation with a coworker at a fast-food minimum wage job that I'm currently working. We were talking about general hobbies, and since I just bought a new Ruger 10/22, I...

Question of the Day: What Guns Would You Buy for A Motorcycle Club?

  "Customs figures show 85,035 handguns, rifles, shotguns, military firearms and air firearms were legally imported into Australia last year, up from 39,389 in 2006," reports. "The popularity of handguns has soared, increasing from 5876...

Question of the Day: Are People Creeped Out By Your Ammo Stash?

I'll often make a quick call from work to my ammo and reloading suppliers to make sure they have what I need in stock before running up there over lunch. I make this call...

Question of the Day: What’s the Big Deal About Printing?

TTAG commentator Buuurr writes: "I’ve always wondered what the obsession with printing was myself. I wear my Springfield XDm 9mm with the extended mag in a pocket holster all the time. The mag of...

Question of the Day: What Do You Do for Fun with Your Gun?

  I made the trek to Greenfield Massachusetts this Labor Day weekend to shoot the breeze with ace firearms parts and tools fabricator Scott Conti. Scott and I are working on a new sighting system...

Question of the Day: What Keeps You From Carrying?

After some friends came in from out of town for the three day weekend, I woke up to find myself in that transition zone between still loving Macallan 12 and cursing its very existence....

Question of the Day: Mods for Everyday Carry Gun A Bad Idea?

"My Dad was a mechanical engineer," TTAG reader revjen45 wrote in a recent comment. "He told me that the people who designed and developed a mechanical device put a lot of time and thought...

Question of the Day: Who’s Better at Shooting Bad Guys, Cops or Civilians?

As predicted, gun grabbers are using the New York City Police Department's failure to exercise discretion and restraint in the arrest of boss killer Jeffrey Johnson as a reason why civilians shouldn't be armed....

Question of the Day: Why Are Gun Store Sales Staff So Pig-Ignorant?

I'm not a gun guru. I just play one on the Internet. Lucky for me, I have you, our Armed Intelligentsia to keep me and the guys honest. If we offer factually or strategically...

Question of the Day: How Do We “Normalize” Guns?

This one actually came in as an "Ask Foghorn," but I think this is a question better posed to the AI as a whole. Chris writes: I've gained an interest in firearms over the past...