Question of the Day: Are You An Anarchist?

"Individuals do not have the legal authority to determine for themselves what their rights include," Pierre Atlas (above) writes an, "doing so would be anarchy. In our republic, determining the scope and content of...

Question of the Day: How Secure is Secure Enough for a Gun Store?

Reader OneIfByLand1776 writes: Given the spate of recent gun store burglaries and the NSSF's emphasis on helping retailers defend against thieves, how secure is reasonably secure for a retail gun store? Should firearms sellers be...

Question of the Day: Who Will You Dress As This Halloween

So there I was, waiting while my usual cortado was being hand crafted at east Austin's Cuvee Coffee yesterday, when I spied a fresh stack of Austin Chronicles menacing me from a nearby...
(courtesy benandsiablogsh*

Question of the Day: Why Do Mass Shootings Get So Much Attention?

"One reason Americans are more inclined to panic over shootings or kidnappings these days is, perversely, that these incidents are so rare," reasons. True that. Most firearms-related fatalities -- thousands per year -- are...

Question of the Day: Ted Nugent for NRA Veep? [SHAKY VIDEO]

In the video below, NRA Board member Ted Nugent lets loose on gun control in his usual no-holds-barred fashion (with extra shaky camera work). Yes, NRA Board member. So when the Motor City Madman...
First time shooter (courtesy

Question of the Day: Do You Remember Your First Time?

In the video below, we see first time shooters shooting for the first time. Their reactions are priceless. In slo-mo no less. The interesting thing is how old these shooters are. How did they...
Blaser USA Black Friday sale

Question of the Day: What Gun Stuff Are You Buying on Black Friday?

The firearms industry didn't have a wonderful 2017. Sales were good -- just not good enough to absorb all the product gun and gear makers cranked out in anticipation of a Clinton victory. Bottom...
Brazilian cop engages bad guy with baby in hand (courtesy

Question of the Day: What Would You Do With Your Kids During a Defensive...

I've told my daughters: if I get my gun out for a defensive gun use, get away from me STAT. When the lead flies, anyone holding a gun is a lead magnet. I reckon...
Gun dealer (courtesy

Question of the Day: What Gun Stuff Did You Buy Over Black Friday, Cyber...

As we've reported, Black Friday broke the FBI's one-day NICS processing record. I'm sure Cyber Monday saw a similar surge, as Americans swooped down on discounts and bought a whole bunch o' ammo, guns...
cy vy shooting through cover (courtesy

Question of the Day: Do You Train Like You Fight?

I'm not 100 percent sure YouTuber cy vic has a complete understanding of the use of cover and concealment. (Video below.) But his post's title indicates that he's got a good grasp of combat...
Family fun time! (courtesy

Question of the Day: How Did You Teach Your Little Guy/Gal How to Shoot?

In the video below, YouTuber Captain Gimli shares a totes adorbs tip for early education, firearms-wise. Assuming you've reproduced, how did you teach your kids to shoot? What was their starter gun? How did you...
Screen shot Call of Duty W2 (courtesy

Question of the Day: Does Call of Duty WWII Suck? [Video NSFW]

In the video below, YouTuber The Act Man uses some strong language to rip Call of Duty WWII a new one. In a 36-minute diatribe TAM bitches about the dearth of weapon choices and a bunch of...