Question of the Day: What do you Want in a Gun Review?

77 If there's one thing that we here at TTAG do well, its gun reviews. That's the #1 people come to the site, and after meeting countless readers over the last few months it seems...

Question of the Day: Should I Ban Guns From My House?

My boyfriend and I live together. I have three kids - 11, 14 and 16. My eldest is bipolar with significant learning disabilities and social skills deficits. During the school year he's away at...

Question of the Day: When Did You Last Clean Your Carry Gun?

While pondering RF's question of the day yesterday it suddenly struck me: I had no earthly idea how long it had been since I'd last cleaned my carry gun. Not the smartest thing, since...

Question of the Day: How Do You Carry in This Heat?

Holy hell is it hot. If I didn't smoke cigars, I'd be common sense gun blogging in air-conditioned comfort. As it stands now, I'm lamenting the fact that I didn't bring a machete with me...

Question of the Day: What Did You Launch on the Fourth?

25 Round these parts, it's not an Independence Day celebration if the potato gun doesn't spit some spuds at some point. The tumbling tubers are usually accompanied by some illuminating backyard pyrotechnics, but as dry...

Question of the Day: Ankle Holster? Really?

The first rule of a gunfight: have a gun. That adage assumes it's better to have a gun than not. T'ain't necessarily so. If you spend too much time trying to get to your...

Question of the Day: What’s In Your Bail-Out Bag?

I've gotten myself into a little friendly competition with Tyler Kee. RF has given each of us $200 with which to build the perfect bail-out bag -- a kit that you could grab from...

Question of the Day: What Does A Gun Mean To You?

Gun grabbers are going to ground. Recognizing that they've lost the initiative, they're keeping it on the DL, masking their disarmament mission with terms like "common sense" and "loophole." The trend applies to both...