Jon Wayne Taylor, Tavor (courtesy

Who’s Winning The Post-Parkland Gun Rights Battle? Question of the Day

"For Democrats to keep their red-state senators — and reclaim purple-state governorships — in 2018, they would need to over-perform in rural America, where NRA members disproportionately live," Eric Levitz writes at under the...
Spree killer Elliot Rodger

Gun Violence Restraining Orders: The Beginning of the End? Question of the Day

Nobody wants a crazy f*ck to have a gun. Or a knife. Actually, knives are OK. So are cans of gasoline and chains and matches. Focus here! Guns are bad! Take away the guns!...
Aliens! (courtesy

What Gun for Aliens? Question of the Day

The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn’t the Pentagon care? That's the question posed by The Washington Post. Yes, the Post. Given the paper's unremitting dedication to publishing stories that are factual in every detail,...
Police Shooting Haverhill New Hampshire

Are You Better Shot Than A Cop? Question of the Day

"New York’s Finest may account for nine casualties in the shootout between Jeffrey Johnson and the police on a busy Manhattan street," I reported back in 2012, righty predicting that the NYPD cops who missed...

Are Gun Owners a Persecuted Minority? Question of the Day

No one knows exactly how many gun owners there are in the United States (many maintain operational security). Bemoaning the lack of gun registration, tackled the gun ownership question back in February, and...

Will “March for Our Lives” Trigger More Gun Control? Question of the Day

The media love-in for tomorrow's "March for Our Lives" will be unprecedented. It will be an anti-gun orgy the likes of which this country has never seen. It will be rife with misinformation, misdirection,...

Question of the Day: Are Gun Makers Secretly Rooting for Obama 2.0?

Having just returned from the crazitude that is the SHOT Show, I can personally attest to the health of the firearm business. Mile upon mile of exhibitors and over 60,000 convention-goers pushed, shoved and...

Question of the Day: What Could Have Prevented the Oikos University Shooting?

We're not sure if there's some kind of harmonic convergence or planetary alignment in the works, but there's an uncharacteristic amount of reality coming out of gun control advocates in the Golden State in...

What Gun/Ammo Combination for Ebola Carriers?

Watching the news can be confusing these days. We have troops in Africa who are trained to kill people and blow stuff up now tasked with fighting a virus, while we continue to allow flights from the...

Question of the Day: Is There Such A Thing as a Perfect Gun?

122 In the video above, Hickock45's gargantuan son claims the GLOCK 43 is for lazy people. At least that's what I assume; I'm too lazy to watch the whole thing. But I did watch it long...

Contest Entry: Question of the Day – Do Concealed Carry Permits Disarm the Poor?

  By Abram Among the People of the Gun, the necessity of a license to carry a concealed firearm is discussed with some frequency. Depending on the state, it may be called a Concealed Carry Weapons...

Question of the Day: Would A Sex Strike Stop Chicago Gang Bangers From Shooting...

65 That, my friends, is the plot of Spike Lee's movie Chiraq. So how 'bout it? Would Chicago's gang bangers cease carrying firearms or stop shooting each other if the women in their community refused to have...