Question of the Day: Have You Been Discriminated Against Because of Your Guns?

The Missouri legislature's been steadily moving a bill through the sausage grinder that's ostensibly intended to prevent discrimination against gun owners. It would basically make anyone who owns a heater or has used one...

Question of the Day: Does Hunting Make You Better at Armed Self-Defense?

I'm not a big hunter. OK, I'm not big generally (at least vertically) and I don't hunt. In my 52 years I somehow never got around to it. So I'm thinking of going on...

Question of the Day: What’s the Worst Zombie Gun Product You Can Possibly Imagine?

OK, so it's for a good cause. Hornady is auctioning off this Zombie Max Ammo Plant to benefit the USA Shooting team. Fine. As we've documented in excruciating detail, there's evidently no end to...

QOTD: How Do We Increase Diversity in the Gun Community?

Okay, I know that sounds like a horrendously lefty-type question, but at the barbecue strategy meeting Thursday evening, Robert brought up the question of how do we bring more minorities/"people of color" into the...

Question of the Day: What’s the Most Embarrasing Gun You Own?

After changing his position on a particular political issue of the day, a critic of Abraham Lincoln accused him of being two-faced. To which the rail-splitter responded, "Do you think that if I had...

Question of the Day: Objective Measure Edition

77 If owning many types of military grade weapons can be prohibited, then we can infer the existence of a legal limit on the destructive power available to citizens, beyond which the Second Amendment affords...

Question of the Day: What Could Have Prevented the Oikos University Shooting?

We're not sure if there's some kind of harmonic convergence or planetary alignment in the works, but there's an uncharacteristic amount of reality coming out of gun control advocates in the Golden State in...

Question of the Day: Was That Last Shot Really Necessary?


Question of the Day: Are Bows and Arrows the New Guns?

Stand back because the leading lights at The McPaper - who always have their fingers on the pulse of everything that's hip and current - think they've spotted a new trend: bows and...

Question of the Day: Would You Buy a Car from This Man?


Question of the Day: Does TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia Represent Gun Owners at Large?

The short answer is "no." Here's my thinking. My impression is that the folks who comment here, and probably many who read and do not comment, are for the most part extremely responsible and...

Question of the Day: Are You Ready for the Trayvon Martin Race Riots?

If George Zimmerman is brought to trail and acquitted for the shooting of Trayvon Martin, there will be race riots across America. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the rest of the race baiters who've...