TTAG Question of the Day: Do You Walk the Walk?
Here at TTAG, we talk a lot about concealed carry, including the what, when, who, why and how of it. But there's one topic we don't really delve into a lot, and that's the...
Question of the Day: Are Girls With Guns Sexy?
Most gun guys find women with guns sexy. Of course it helps if the woman in question is sexy, but the general point applies. And I think that speaks highly of us as a...
Question of the Day: Are “Gun-Free Zones” Really “Target-Rich Environments”?
I couldn't help but notice that the weekend's tragedy in Norway bears a striking resemblance to those at Virginia Tech, Columbine, Fort Hood, and others across These United States. Nope. I'm not talking about...
Question Of The Day: What if Breivik Had Been A Jihadi?
Quick thought experiment. Imagine that the perpetrator of the Norway massacre, Anders Behring Breivik, hadn’t been a far-right “Christian fundamentalist.” Instead, he was named Hassan Ali Maqsud and he was an Islamic fundamentalist. Would...
Question of the Day: OFWG Gun Training. What’s Up With That?
OFWGs are Old Fat White Guys. We coined the term to highlight the fact that overweight white males---whose mid-life crisis coincided with Newt Gingrich's Contract with America---seem to account for a disproportionately large percentage...
Question of the Day: What’s the Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Seen Someone Do With...
Yes, I've seen someone look into the barrel of a gun after it failed to fire. And plenty of people drawing their weapon with less control than a first time golfer wielding a driver....
Question of the Day: Do You Skimp On Ammo?
The price of "proper" self-defense ammo (e.g. Hornady Critical Defense, Wilson Combat) galls me. But only because I'd like to practice with it. So I shoot (and shoot and shoot) whatever I can scrounge...
Question of the Day: Do You Have a Summer Gun and a Winter Gun?
I'm just about to give up trying to carry my Glock 30SF for the remainder of the summer. I've worked my through a number of holster options, including the Crossbreed SuperTuck. I still can't...
Question of the Day: Should There Be Any “Gun Free” Zones?
I'm on a boat. And. It's going fast. And. Internet costs a frickin' fortune. So I'll make this brief. Not only are firearms prohibited on this ship, but a sign at the port warned...
Question of the Day: If You Had to Have One Gun . . ....
"Numerous people have asked me, 'If you could only own one gun, which would that be?' I say, 'Well, first of all, I'd shoot the guy that told me I could only have one....
Question of the Day: Do You Like Recoil?
As someone who values accuracy above all in a self-defense situation, I'm a big fan of low-recoil weapons. The Chiappa Rhino gets maximum props for reducing .357 recoil to sub-.38 levels. Kudos to...
Question of the Day: How Do You Clean Your Guns?
Wilson Combat makes some bodacious firearms cleaning and lubrication products. Can I say that without sounding like someone who needs a life implant? I suppose not. Oh well. If you're fastidious and you know...