Question of the Day: Is On-Line Firearms Training Good Enough?

Aspring Wisconsin concealed carry license holders will have to take a "safety course." The "Eat Cheese or Die" state legislature didn't define terms. A "certified firearms instructor" must conduct the training and . ....

Question of the Day: Should Convicted Criminals Get Their Gun Rights Restored?

  One of the finest writers I know is a convicted criminal. He served time for a road rage shooting. He did his time. He was released. His gun rights are gone. Why? All...

Question of the Day: What’s the Appeal of a Bolt-Action Rifle?

69 AR-mania shows no signs of abatement. Tacticool is in full ascendancy. And yet bolt action rifles are still out there, somewhere. Their adherents are still enjoying a system designed by Johann Nikolaus von Dreys in...

Question of the Day: Should Glock Make a 1911? Rifle? What?

I think Glock makes plenty of guns already. The fact that they all work alike works for me. Like Campbell's they should concentrate on getting new shooters into firearms so they'll buy a Glock...

Question of the Day: Do Gun Control Advocates Want to Disarm You?

MikeB30200 made this comment to one of the newer members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia. "Rebecca, I know you're new around here.  I remember you're first comment last week or so. I'm gonna take a shot...

Question of the Day: Are Gun Owners Social Conservatives or Are Social Conservatives Gun...

For some reason, the media often highlights the fact that people who oppose gay marriage or abortion own guns. OK, we know the reason: if you want to marginalize mainstream opposition to social "progress,"...

Question of the Day: How Do You Handle a BG With a Taser?

A group of Long Island yoots recently embarked on a minor mugging spree using a taser to intimidate their victims. I've never been tased, bro, but can't imagine it's a pleasant experience. Unlike ratings-whoring...

Question of the Day: Trick Question

22 I spent the last week in Montana with my in-law's. I got a little bored and turned the back 40 into my own little shooting gallery. When grandma busted out the old Hawes .22...

Question of the Day: Should You Always Meet Deadly Force with Deadly Force?

As some of the regulars know, I'm a volunteer EMT in my spare time. Something happened on Monday night that I wanted to share with you. I want to get your opinion on concerning...

Question of the Day: Did You Do Anything Gun-Related for Father’s Day?

My dad retired as a full-bird Colonel from SOCOM, but he was a reservist his whole career. He is a Green Beret but the vast majority of his service fell in that valley of...