Oregon gun confiscation order (courtesy youtube.com)

Question of the Day: Are They REALLY Coming For Your Guns?

Hand over your weapons the incendiary headline at bostonglobe.com demands. "Ultimately, if gun-control advocates really want to stanch the blood, there’s no way around it," David Scharfenberg concludes. "They’ll have to persuade more people...
San Antonio Academy Sports protest (courtesy sacurrent.com)

Question of the Day: Just How Stupid ARE Gun Control Advocates?

In a letter to The Providence Journal, Scituate resident Austin O'Toole wonders why The Ocean State's waterfowl hunting laws -- restricting shotguns to three shells -- don't apply across the board. "It appears that we...
(courtesy benandsiablogsh*t.com)

Question of the Day: Why Do Mass Shootings Get So Much Attention?

"One reason Americans are more inclined to panic over shootings or kidnappings these days is, perversely, that these incidents are so rare," reason.com reasons. True that. Most firearms-related fatalities -- thousands per year -- are...
Kristen M shooting (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

Question of the Day: Why Don’t YOU Train More Often?

In the video below, Thunder Ranch's gravel-voiced gun guru Clint Smith addresses the top five reasons people don't train with their firearms. I don't have the time or money. The weather sucks. My...
Exit poll data from 2017 Virginia governor's race (courtesy washintonpost.com)

Question of the Day: More Guns, Less Democrats?

There's a strong correlation between gun owners and Republican voters. As we can see in The Washington Post-prepared graphic above based on exit poll data from the Virginia governor's race. "Voters were about evenly...
Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church (courtesy statesman.com)

Question of the Day: Would A “Proper” NICS Check Have Stopped The Sutherland Spring...

The mainstream media are focusing their attention on the Air Force's failure to report the Sutherland Spring spree killer's criminal history to the FBI. If they had, the thinking goes, Devin Kelley couldn't legally...
Form 4473 and GLOCK (courtesy fbi.gov)

Question of the Day: Fix NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System)?

The failure of the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to prevent the Sutherland Springs shooter from purchasing four firearms has taken front and center in the "debate" over his horrific crime. This...
Liberty Safe's 4--gun Presidential model.

Question of the Day: Would More Gun Safes Lead to Lower Gun Crime?

Reader Command'oh writes: The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that about 1.4 million guns were stolen from 2005-2010, and other studies give even higher estimates. Most of these guns end up on the black market where dealers (shockingly)...
Church security (courtesy http://theoldblackchurch.blogspot.com)

Question of the Day: Are You Armed At Church?

I find it hard to believe that an entire West Texas church congregation was unarmed. I suspect that someone in the Sutherland Springs' church was packing heat. Someone who died before he or she could return...

Question of the Day: When Was the Last Time You Bought a Gun?

"Under President Donald Trump, a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, gun sales did not spike in the weeks since the Las Vegas mass shooting, according to a BuzzFeed News analysis. This suggests that...
Robert Vaughan in The Magnificent Seven (courtesy objectsinfilm.blogspot.com)

Question of the Day: Draw and Shoot or Draw and Reassess?

Jon Wayne Taylor and I were discussing the recent shooting at a Denver Walmart. When psycho killer Scott Ostrem opened fire, several armed innocents drew their gun. According to TTAG's resident war hero, wrong...
Whoopi Goldberg and Stephen Colbert (courtesy youtube.com)

Question of the Day: Why Oppose Background Checks if You Have Nothing To Hide?

In the video below, comedienne and unapologetic gun owner Whoopi Goldberg invites the feds to "come and check all my stuff." They can "come and find out what I'm doing, where I bought stuff,...