Question of the Day: To Clean, or Not to Clean

19 Take a quick look at the quick video spot above - one dirty pistol eh? During almost the complete two hours prior to this video, we were running prone drills with the Smith and...

TTAG Question of the Day: Do You Lock Up Your Guns?

I wear a lot of hats. Father. Ex-husband. Writer. Small-business owner. Homeowner. Gun owner. When it comes to guns, some of those hats pull me in different directions. There are arguments – strong ones...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Carry Ammo and Why?

Thanks for sharing your carry choices in our previous QOTD: What's in YOUR Holster? To sum up, there was a genuine dearth of mouse guns and revolvers. For some strange reason, Glock was our Armed...

Question of the Day: What Kind of Cop Opposes Campus Carry?

"Parents, university officials and campus police took to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, wearing bright-red 'Campus No!' stickers to protest legislation that would have allowed professors and staff to carry weapons onto the gun-free campuses...

Question of the Day: What’s Fueling the Lever-lution?

Name the last movie to prominently feature a lever action rifle that didn’t involve dancing wolves or a one-eyed Jeff Bridges. Having trouble? That’s because there isn’t one. The lever gun has been relegated...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Carry-Gun of Choice?

My current carry gun: a Springfield Armory Mil-Spec 1911 in Stainless with 5" bbl, skeletonized hammer, match trigger, beavertail grip safety, night sights, full length guide rod, and a $.50 front-strap grip-tape modification. I carry the...

Question of the Day: IWB or OWB?

The main reason I carry Outside the Waistband (OWB): me. Too much of me. As a result of my appetite for life (and ice cream), Inside the Waistband (IWB) holsters make a hair shirt...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Trigger?

I'm always interested in trigger designs. And high school science projects. This little display combines the best of both worlds, showing mechanically-challenged shooters how Savage Arms' AccurTrigger gits 'er done (to use the technical...

Question of the Day: Is 9mm the One Caliber to Rule Them All?

44 Dan Wesson's making his/its first 9mm 1911-style gun. It's lighter, holds more bullets and still threads a needle (probably). Wilson Combat makes nines. Clearly, the .380 mania is over; compact nines like Ruger's LC9...

Wal-Mart Expands Gun Sales, Still in Bed with MAIG

"The world's largest retailer stopped selling hunting rifles and bullets at all but a third of its U.S. stores five years ago, citing diminishing sales," The Wall Street Journal reports. "It is now restoring...

Question of the Day: Is There a Doctor in the House, or What Are...

The Brits have a retort for someone who asks a question with so many unquantified variables that the query is pretty much unanswerable: how long is a piece of string? There's your answer to...