Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Shooting Distance?

If you can ignore the mucho macho homophobic asides, trainer Gabe Suarez's blog entries are not without insight. His latest effort at focuses on a self-defense rifleman's need to know how to shoot...

Question of the Day: Too Many Guns?

Ah to be a fly on the computer when the co-joined twins known as Magoo and MikeB read this QOTD. A nano-second later they'll know I couldn't possibly mean we need to reduce the...

Question of the Day: Savagely Beaten By 3 “Unarmed” Attackers. WWYD?

Most of us would probably agree this constitutes clear Disparity of Force. We'd be on solid legal ground, using lethal force in defense of ourselves and loved ones. Would it make any difference if...

Question of the Day: Has Kel-Tec KSG Tester Nutnfancy Jumped the Shark?

I sense a disturbance in the force. somehow posted nutnfancy's 47:43 embed-protected KSG shotgun video with a cruel-to-be-kind reminder that even gun nuts have something called a life. "The length of that guy’s...

Question of the Day: What Words Would You Want on Your Barrel?

42 offers a round-up of special edition 1911s commemorating the 100th anniversary of JMB's meisterstuck. Price-wise, the pistols range from Auto-Ordnance's $658 100th Anniversary 1911PKZ to Ed Brown's $6995 Classic Custom Centennial Edition . All of...

Question of the Day: How Realistic Are Gun Games?

10 And why isn't there a shoot / no shoot self-defense videogame? And while I'm kvetching, weaver stance? Check out the thumb placement at :13. Maybe the instructor should, I dunno, instruct them on that...

Question of the Day: 1911. Worth the Hassle?

18 OK, it's not really a hassle, especially if you're the kind of person who appreciates an honest-to-God piece of working machinery. But we live in a plug-n-play world, where you can buy a combat-style...

Question of the Day: Why Do They Call it a Slide Stop?

26 After watching forty TV shows about killing Bambi (albeit on fast forward) and a NRA-supported program so dull it should have been named The Adventures of Ambien and Zolpidem, I am SO ready...

Question of the Day: Are Fewer Bullets Better Than More?

Sam's thinking about carrying. So I brought a few potential carry pieces to The American Firearms School for her dining and dancing pleasure. To supplement the School's wide range of handguns, I packed a...

Question of the Day: Could You/Did You Marry/Date Someone Who Didn’t Like Guns?

Time and time again I meet guys who harbor a secret, dormant love of guns---but don't shoot. The reason? "My wife doesn't allow guns in the house." The easy explanation: they're pussy-whipped. In truth,...

Question of the Day: Would You Draw Your Gun to Defend Your Dog?

For the sake of argument, let's say your dog was being torn to pieces by another dog in a public park. You tried to separate them physically. No dice. Would you draw your gun?...