Question of the Day: Do You Collect Guns?
Needless to say (an oxymoron if ever there was one), I'm not using the word "collect" in the casual sense, like "those dust bunnies sure seem to collect underneath the bed." I have no...
Question of the Day: Is Tacticool Cool?
In Brad's most excellent interview with Massad Ayoob, the gun guru advises every member of your home defense team to keep a handgun handy. And a long gun (one per participating friendly). And, one...
Question of the Day: Is Gun Size Important?
"I’d like to ask a serious question without getting all you macho boys and girl upset at me," gun control advocate and blogger mikeb302000 asks in a comment underneath the post Sam vs. Joe...
Question of the Day: Concealed Carry. Where Do You Draw The Line?
I swear I don't understand geographic restrictions on concealed carry. How does a legally owned concealed gun threaten anyone in "bars, schools, university classrooms or busses" any more than it would on the street?...
Question of the Day II: Is Gun Control a Tenet of Christianity?
Is gun control a religious issue? More pointedly, it is a tenant of Christianity? Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence president Paul Helmke, Republican former mayor of Fort Wayne, Indiana, says that for him it...
Question of the Day: Do You Hunt?
If so, when, where, with what and why?
Question of the Day: Is the Browning 1911-22 An Abomination?
I love 1911s. I would never have one as a carry gun; the trigger's too light and the safety's too safe. But nothing looks, feels and shoots like a proper 1911. At the risk...
Question of the Day: John Dillinger Was Prepared for Zombies. Are You?
Image, idea and headline courtesy
Question of the Day: Have You Ever Shot A Machine Gun?
What Guns Should a 75-Year-Old Use for Self-Defense?
This morning, I had the honor and pleasure of shooting with a 75-year-old army vet. A couple of years ago, Mr. Madden's back went out on him, but good. As you can see from...
Question of the Day: Is Obama Packing Heat? Should He?
Given Senator Obama enthusiasm for gun control, President Obama's silence on the subject is a bit odd. Our man Albright ascribes Obama's reticence to political savvy: the Prez realizes that taking on the NRA (i.e. gun...
Question of the Day: What Law Would Have Stopped Jared Lee Loughner?
The Washington Post is really getting on my tits (as the Brits are wont to say). The paper that once defined journalistic excellence is once again forgetting the basic principles of objective reporting or...