Where is the NRA? Question of the Day

Once again, after a high profile spree killing, the NRA  is in lock down. This despite -- or because -- of mainstream media pro-gun control carpet bombing. Despite the looming threat of new legislation...

What About Your Wads? – Question of the Day

As a waterfowl hunter, part of my daily duck season routine includes picking up spent 12-gauge hulls. If we don’t stay on top of it, hundreds, sometimes thousands of them can become scattered across...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Would YOU Go In? Question of the Day

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School's uniformed School Resource Officer Scot Petersen failed to engage spree killer Nikolas Cruz as the teenager murdered 17 people and injured 14 more. Deputy Petersen stood outside the building...
Nikolas Cruz and Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson (courtesy cbsnews.com)

Did Deputy Scot Peterson’s Failure to Stop a Spree Killer Hurt or Help Gun...

Here's definitive proof that a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy with a gun. That's the headline malingering over an opinion piece by CNN Editor At (Is?) Large Chris Cillizza ....
Adam Lanza's mother's AR15 (courtesy nydailynews.com)

Why Is This One Different? Question of the Day

When the Newtown spree killer mowed down 20 children six and seven year olds and six adults, the call for federal gun control reached a fever pitch. It was thwarted in the final furlong by...
Happy campers athe NRA convention (courtesy thinkprogress.com)

Is The NRA Freedom’s Safest Place? Question of the Day

"As the National Rifle Association grows increasingly out of touch with most American gun owners," Josh Israel at thinkprogress.com writes underneath a grim-faced attendees at the NRA convention, "the organization still claims 'more than five million members.'" Wait....
Pocket carry now

How Do You Dress at the Office for Concealed Carry? Question of the Day

Like a lot of guys, I wear dress pants to the office almost every day of the week (thank God for casual Fridays). I also carry a gun every day of the week. While...
Spree killer Nikolas Cruz (courtesy latimes.com)

Whose Job Is It to Stop School Shooters? Question of the Day

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students have been all over the airwaves and the internet with a great point: it's not their job to stop mass shooters. After all, they are kids. They have...
Jon Wayne Taylor, Tavor (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

Who’s Winning The Post-Parkland Gun Rights Battle? Question of the Day

"For Democrats to keep their red-state senators — and reclaim purple-state governorships — in 2018, they would need to over-perform in rural America, where NRA members disproportionately live," Eric Levitz writes at nymag.com under the...
Nixon shakes hands with Chou En-lai (courtesy wikipedia.org)

President Trump [Not Shown]: 3D Chess Player or an Idiot on Guns? Question of...

Yesterday, President Trump stunned The People of the Gun. The self-professed "big fan of the Second Amendment" said he'd sign an Executive Order/Action banning bump fire stocks. If that wasn't enough to scare pro-2A...

#ParentsPromiseToKids: What’s YOUR Promise to Your Children? Question of the Day

Thanks to social media and the enabling mainstream media, the Children's Crusade Against Gun Rights continues apace. The latest mutation: #ParentsPromiseToKids. If you want to know how this "contract" came to be, newyorker.com is happy...
NRA is a terrorist organization (courtesy theblaze.com)

NRA. Winning? Question of the Day

Gun control advocates aren't triskaidekaphobes. They slavishly adhere to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals rule number 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." The target in question: the National Rifle Association...