Question of the Day: If You Trust God Why Do You Need a...

I'm not much of a believer. My father lost his faith in the Holocaust labor camps, my mother hers when she was orphaned at an early age. So I don't quote scripture when I...

Question of the Day: Should Kids Be Allowed to Carry Fake Guns for Halloween?

I grew up in an anti-gun household. Thankfully, the anti-arms antipathy didn't include toy guns. Playing with toy guns helped me explore issues central to my personal and social identity: good vs. evil, courage...
Jaguar XK in Montery (courtesy

Question of the Day: What Non-Gun Hobbies Do You Enjoy?

Holding a deadly weapon focuses the mind wonderfully. Assuming you're not a TTAG writer slinging lead next to Jessie Duff eating a hot dog, shooting pushes all thoughts of food, work and sex to one side....

Question of the Day: Is NRA Carry Guard (and Similar Programs) “Murder Insurance”?

In the video below, Rashad Robinson declares that the NRA's Carry Guard program is "murder insurance." The Executive Director of Color of Change is aghast that gun owners can buy a policy that protects...

Question of the Day: Who Will You Dress As This Halloween

So there I was, waiting while my usual cortado was being hand crafted at east Austin's Cuvee Coffee yesterday, when I spied a fresh stack of Austin Chronicles menacing me from a nearby...

Question of the Day: What Should Firearms Instructors Teach Newbies?

David Hemenway (not shown) is the gun control industry's go-to-guy for academic affirmation. The Harvard University School of Public Human Health Professor's study Firearms training: what is actually taught? is his latest minimis opus. Professor Hemenway and his Harvard...

Question of the Day: How Secure is Secure Enough for a Gun Store?

Reader OneIfByLand1776 writes: Given the spate of recent gun store burglaries and the NSSF's emphasis on helping retailers defend against thieves, how secure is reasonably secure for a retail gun store? Should firearms sellers be...

Question of the Day: Are You An Anarchist?

"Individuals do not have the legal authority to determine for themselves what their rights include," Pierre Atlas (above) writes an, "doing so would be anarchy. In our republic, determining the scope and content of...

Question of the Day: Is the NRA a Damaged Brand? If So, Can It...

After the Las Vegas spree killing the NRA was once again front and center and . . . silent. After almost a week went by, the NRA passed on defending the legality of the...

Question of the Day: Would a Trump Impeachment Cause an Armed Revolt?

"We know that states including Connecticut and New York tightened their gun-control laws after the Sandy Hook massacre, yet there were no armed citizen militias marching on Hartford and Albany, battling against state police...

Question of the Day: Could You Shoot an Attacking Dog?

In the video below BRIGHT IDEAS instructs us How to Survive a Dog Attack. Be confident. Don't run. Stand still. ("If you stop moving, chances are the dog will lose interest in you and...

Question of the Day: How Do We Get More Than 3m People to Carry...

"We estimate that nine million US adult handgun owners carry loaded handguns monthly," The American Journal of Public Health concludes in its report Loaded Handgun Carrying Among US Adults, 2015. "Three million do so...