Question of the Day: How Picky Are You About Your Practice Ammo?

9 I'm fanatical about my carry ammo: it's Hornady Critical Defense or, uh, Hornady Critical Defense. "Nominal tissue damage" just doesn't cut it. So to speak. As for what I shoot on the range, meh....

Question of the Day: Can America’s Big Gunmakers Make a Proper Trigger?

Regular readers will know that TTAG has had a major beef with Ruger re: the trigger on the SR40. The go pedals on the guns we sampled (more shocking info to follow) stage like...

Question of the Day: Where’s the Best Gun Store?

I frequent a gun store that reminds me of the jeans' section of Sears & Roebuck. In 1962. Or any store in Hungary before the Wall came down. Joyless. Lifeless. Bland. Boring. Given the...

Question of the Day: How Much Do You Love Your Gun Dog?

I have guns and dogs. But I don't have a gun dog. But if I did, I sure would love it. I'd love my dog so damn much I'd write a love letter to...

Question of the Day: Why Do 13 States Continue to Ban Silencers?

4 Can U feel the love tonight? Here's the case for silencers from Advanced Armament Corp's Can University (geddit?): "Silencers generally increase the accuracy of a host firearm while reducing recoil and eliminating up to...

Question of the Day: Any Bargains?

"In the wake of the Great Recession, the stigma attached to certain consumer behavior has fallen away," reports. "What some people once thought of as lowbrow, they now accept — even consider a...

Question of the Day: “What’s cooler than a 50 cal BLACKOUT Flash Hider for...

Advanced Armament Corp, jewel in the crown (of thorns) known as the Freedom Group, poses the question. They reckon the answer is a titanium .50-cal flash hider. I'm not so sure. Right now, the...

Question of the Day: How Fast Do You Shoot When You Practice?

3 It's easy enough to shoot well when you shoot slowly. Depending on the distance, a competent shooter should be able to put a few bullets through the same hole, or at least group them...

Question of the Day: What’s the Most You’ve Ever Paid for a Gun?

Thank God I found guns when I did. I had a financially ruinous habit of buying cars. For example, I once owned two Ferraris. At the same time. That's like taking on the national...

Question of the Day: Do You Have A Gun Tat?

In my Ruger SR40 review, I wrote that I was thinking about having the words "loaded when up" tattooed on my penis. I was kidding (my local parlor doesn't have a font big enough)....

Question of the Day: Can You Stare at These Guns for 3:24?

1 BTW, I reckon gun control is the Mother of All Freedoms. Number one with a bullet. Should have been the first Amendment. But seriously, nice guns.

Question of the Day: Does the Gun Really Matter?

Like the rest of the gunblogosphere, TTAG spends a lot of time and effort exploring relatively minute differences between weapon systems. We do so for fun and (eventually) profit. But is it important? Given that...