Is Dana Loesch The Right Rep for the NRA? Question of the Day

"We've had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the arrogance, the hatred, the pettiness, the fake news," NRA commentator Dana Loesch pronounces with minimally restrained contempt. "We're done with your agenda to undermine voters'...
Bumble logo

Who’s Winning the Culture War on Guns? Question of the Day

Dating app Bumble has banned photos showing lonely hearts holding a gun . . . “Online behavior can both mirror and predict how people treat each other in the real world,” their statement proclaims. “As...
Spree killer Elliot Rodger

Gun Violence Restraining Orders: The Beginning of the End? Question of the Day

Nobody wants a crazy f*ck to have a gun. Or a knife. Actually, knives are OK. So are cans of gasoline and chains and matches. Focus here! Guns are bad! Take away the guns!...
Diana Trasatti (courtesy

Are Gun Rights Groups Surrendering Ground? Question of the Day

"We at NJ2AS understand that in the wake of the mass murder in Parkland, Florida, some forms of corrective action must be taken,"  Alexander Roubian declares in an open letter to President Trump....

.380 for Self-Defense? Question of the Day

I pocket carry a Ruger LCP II chambered in .380. "Some among my colleagues consider any pistol in 380Auto caliber to be inadequate for serious purposes," gun guru John Farnam writes below, "and maybe...
Aliens! (courtesy

What Gun for Aliens? Question of the Day

The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn’t the Pentagon care? That's the question posed by The Washington Post. Yes, the Post. Given the paper's unremitting dedication to publishing stories that are factual in every detail,...

Is Second Amendment Absolutism the Answer? Question of the Day

In the ancient clip (not magazine) below, Ben Shapiro takes on ex-expat Piers Morgan on gun control. While Ben scores some good points, it's clear he's no gun rights absolutist. He's for "better screening"...

Where’s the Pro-Gun Children’s Crusade? Question of the Day

"As Javon Davies reads out a list of his most prized possessions, it's hard not to smile: His Playstation, his video games, his TV, his cat. It's typical sixth grade stuff through and through,"...
Galco's PMC Pocket Magazine Carrier

How Do You Carry An Extra Magazine? Question of the Day

Galco updated their PMC Pocket Magazine Carriers at SHOT this year, giving concealed carriers a better option than just dropping a spare mag in a pocket to flop around. As they tout . ....

Are You Better Shot Than A Cop? Question of the Day

"New York’s Finest may account for nine casualties in the shootout between Jeffrey Johnson and the police on a busy Manhattan street," I reported back in 2012, righty predicting that the NYPD cops who missed...
SIG SAUER Tactical Tip (courtesy

What “Operator” Skills Do You Have? Question of the Day

In the video below, SIG SAUER Academy instructors Eric Palmer and Todd Moriarty show us how to reload a pump action shotgun with a slug, should you need to reach out and touch someone...
President Trump (courtesy

#stillTrump? Question of the Day

Before President Trump took office, The People of the Gun were giddy at the prospect of gun rights restoration. At the very least, we expected suppressors to be removed from the National Firearms Act,...